Welcome to Mount Carmel College of Nursing. This page contains a summary of available consumer information. To obtain an electronic or paper copy of the required information to be disclosed under HEA Sec. 485(a)(1), Sec. 485(f), [Sec. 485(h)], and Sec. 485(j), prospective and enrolled students may contact the Mount Carmel College of Nursing Administrator at (614) 234- 5213.

General Institutional Information
Privacy of Student Records−Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Student Financial Assistance

Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities



Clery Act – Campus Security

The Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the MCCN campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, emergency response and evacuation procedures, and timely warnings. MCCN will provide a paper copy of the report upon request.

Campus Security and Fire and Safety Report

Student Diversity

Price of Attendance

Undergraduate information:

Graduate information:

College Navigator Website

Net Price Calculator

Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Federal Financial Aid

Requirements for Withdrawal:

Textbook Information

The Administrative Assistant coordinates with the book vendor to provide an adequate supply of textbooks for enrolled students. Enrolled students may access the course schedule, current and maximum enrollment information by logging into the College’s student portal at https://carmelink.mccn.edu/ics

Required/recommended textbook information: https://bncvirtual.com/mccn

Educational Programs

The MCCN website provides information about available academic programs: http://www.mccn.edu/academics

Instructional Facilities

The MCCN website provides information about locations: https://www.mccn.edu/about/locations

Gainful Employment

The Department of Education requires all institutions to disclose required gainful employment information using a standard disclosure template issued by the Secretary of Education. Providing all of the required gainful employment disclosures in this manner allows easy comparison of program related information. The MCCN's required gainful employment disclosures are available on this site.


Faculty Credentials:

Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements

Transfer Credit Policies:


The College has a collaborative relationship with The Ohio State University (OSU) and Columbus State Community College (CSCC). Mount Carmel students can choose to enroll in selected general education courses taught at either OSU or CSCC. Mount Carmel students have access to the library and testing and tutorial services offered by both of these institutions. In addition, Mount Carmel has articulation agreements with Ohio Dominican University and Wilmington College. Mount Carmel also has an articulation agreement with Columbus State Community College for the RN-BSN Program. MCCN also offers the BSN program at Fairfield Medical Center in Lancaster, Ohio, including a collaborative arrangement with Ohio University-Lancaster to provide the first-year curriculum and selected general education courses for MCCN students enrolled in the Lancaster program.

Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs

Copyright Infringement

Computer Use and File Sharing

Student Activities

The MCCN catalog provides information about student involvement opportunities:

Career and Job Placement Services

MCCN does not maintain a Career and Job Placement Office for students or graduates. However, MCCN current students may access any available job postings by logging into the College’s student portal: https://carmelink.mccn.edu/ics

Preferred Lender Lists

While MCCN does not recommend one specific lender, we have assembled a list of private education loan providers that have been vetted and used by previous MCCN private loan borrowers within the past three years. These lenders may offer you the best options and services. https://choice.fastproducts.org/FastChoice/home/3071900/2

Preferred Lender Arrangements

An arrangement or agreement between a lender and a covered institution, or an institution-affiliated organization of such covered institution, (1) under which the lender provides or otherwise issues education loans to students attending such covered institution or the families of such students and (2) involves the covered institution or institution-affiliated organization recommending, promoting, or endorsing the lender's education loan products. Such an arrangement does not include an institution participating in the Direct Loan Program.

MCCN does not have any preferred lender arrangements.

Health and Safety

Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Prevention Programs:

Vaccination Policies

Student Outcomes

  • Retention Rate
  • Graduation Rates
  • Undergraduate programs employment rate following graduation: 100% (percent of employed alumni in a nursing related role: 100%)
  • Graduate programs employment rate following graduation: 100 (percent of employed alumni in nursing related role: 94%)

Employment rate calculation includes all graduates in the labor force (N=79 undergraduate alumni and N=17 graduate alumni). The calculation follows the definition of the Bureau of Labor Statistics and does not include people who are not employed and not seeking employment.

Source: One Year Post-Graduation Follow-up survey 2022, which surveyed alumni who earned a degree in calendar year 2021.

Voter Registration

Constitution Day information

Why Choose Us


years of educating nurses


average class size


student-to-faculty ratio