The Carmel Rapper
September 15, 2020

Our Legacy of Learning
September 15 is Founder’s Day at Mount Carmel College of Nursing – commemorating our founding by the Sisters of the Holy Cross in 1903. In celebration, MCCN President and Dean Emeritus, Dr. Ann E. Schiele, has a special three-minute message about strengthening, supporting and sustaining Our Legacy of Learning. Please enjoy Ann’s heartfelt words here.
And, Mount Carmel Foundation President, Deanna Stewart, invites you to learn more by attending a virtual Our Legacy of Learning Campaign Kick-off Town Hall at noon on September 22 featuring MCCN President and Academic Dean, Dr. Kathleen Williamson. You’ll hear how MCCN is adapting to maintain excellence in nursing education during the coronavirus pandemic, making advances in innovative teaching, helping our students stay engaged, and renewing its commitment to the mission of our founders, the Sisters of the Holy Cross, through Our Legacy of Learning Campaign.
Please RSVP for the MCCN Town Hall by replying to
At noon on September 22, please follow the instructions below to participate in the Our Legacy of Learning Campaign Kick-off Town Hall.
To join by computer or phone application, click here and enter access code 173 171 0780 and when prompted enter password q97MJmCpiB4.
To join by phone, call 408-418-9388 and enter 173 171 0780 and when prompted enter password 79765627.
We welcome questions for our panel in advance: Please submit them to, or feel free to submit them during the virtual meeting via the chat feature.
As always, MCCN thanks you for your dedication and interest, and we look forward to your attendance and participation next week.
Student Accessibility Services Submission Process
The goal of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is to provide students with disabilities equal access to MCCN's academic programs by providing reasonable accommodations. To register with SAS, students must submit a request for accommodations and supporting medical documentation via this link.
If you have any questions about how to register with SAS please reach out via email to or visit the SAS portion of the website.
SNAM-Lancaster Virtual Kickoff Meeting
There will be a virtual kick-off meeting for SNAM-Lancaster on September 21 at noon where they will be taking nominations for officers. Please email Jamie Conkel at to receive a meeting request.
Achievements: Congratulations Faculty and Staff
Lindsey Luther, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, EBP-C obtained her Certification in Evidence Based Practice.
Nininger, J., Abbott, M. (2020, September 23-25). Igniting Team Vision for Quality Assurance in Online Education. 2020 NLN Education Summit: Master of Teaching – Art of Leadership. National League for Nursing. Virtual Conference (due to COVID-19). (Refereed Paper Presentation)
Riley, T.A. (2020, September 23-25). Semester-Long Online Course Modification to an Intensive Delivery Format – Best Practice Review. 2020 NLN Education Summit: Master of Teaching – Art of Leadership. National League for Nursing. Virtual Conference (due to COVID-19). (Refereed Poster Presentation)
Riley, T.A. (2020, September 23-25). Facilitating Student Development via Collaborative Learning Projects and Student Self and Peer-Assessment. 2020 NLN Education Summit: Master of Teaching – Art of Leadership. National League for Nursing. Virtual Conference (due to COVID-19). (Refereed Poster Presentation)

Thank you, Student Ambassadors
A big thank you to our student ambassadors who attended the Drive-Thru Welcome for new students in August. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Best Wishes to Michelle Richards, MBA
It is with bittersweet emotion that I inform you that Michelle Richards, MBA, Bursar, has accepted a position at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Michelle's last day with the College will be Friday, September 25th. Michelle began her journey at MCCN in February 2013 as the Administrative Secretary for Academic Programs and transitioned to the new Bursar position after receiving her Master’s in Business Administration in February 2017. In her time as Bursar, Michelle has made many process improvements that have streamlined the business office and improved service to our students. Please join in me in congratulating Michelle and wishing her well in her future endeavors.
Kathy Smith, MBA, Director of Business Affairs
Library Update
Remember, Your Library is here to help. You can connect with the Library from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday in the following ways:
- E-mail:
- Web chat at the Library site — Also, text to chat at 614-541-2224 (data rates may apply)
- Call 614-234-5214
- If you need help after hours, visit the Library FAQ page
One Stop for Essential Resources
Click on the College of Nursing button from the Library homepage (see screenshot) for all the resources you need, including:
- Davis Drug Guide
- Nursing Care Plans
- ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health
- PubMed
- Taber’s Medical Dictionary
Library Accounts
All enrolled MCCN students automatically have Library accounts. Your login credentials are:
- Username = last name
- Password = student ID
Library staff are not permitted provide student ID numbers. Your ID number is listed on your student schedule.
Please note: The Library does not have any laptops to lend at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.