The Carmel Rapper

November 18, 2020

Wear a mask Wear a mask Wear a mask Wear a mask Wear a mask

A Reminder: We Are In This Together

Unprecedented. Pivot. Novel. These are all words we knew before the pandemic (another one), but now have a whole new meaning. As we all scramble to pivot our lives to deal with this unprecedented time due to this novel virus, let us remember this is not the first global pandemic. As these historical pictures of mask wearers from the 1918 Pandemic remind us, we can - and will - overcome this pandemic.

Message from the President & Academic Dean

Kathleen Williamson

Dear MCCN Faculty, Staff and Students,

Thanksgiving is next week? In some ways, it feels like this year will never end; in other ways it seems to have flown by quickly. Reflecting on the challenges we’ve faced and the accomplishments we’ve achieved in 2020 makes me so very thankful for our students, staff, faculty and community. Grace under pressure is a testament to good character and resilience. And, it’s an essential quality for nurses, given the demands of the work and the trust our patients place in us. Each of you has demonstrated those important qualities. This year, maybe like none before, has strengthened my belief in MCCN’s ability to make a difference in our world, and makes my Thanksgiving one to treasure. I am truly thankful to be leading this remarkable institution and for every chance I get to positively impact a student’s life. It’s a blessing.

Our year might not have progressed so well without innovating and changing our learning environment to protect the health and wellbeing of all who work and learn here. Last week, some of that work was recognized by Quality Matters (QM). This global organization presented the 2020 “Making a Difference for Students - Outstanding Impact by a Higher Education Organization” award to MCCN on Tuesday, October 27, virtually, during their annual conference. Jami Nininger, DNP, RN, who led the team whose work earned this recognition, told me, “The award truly focuses on the work of the RN to BSN team. The RN to BSN team lives the college's mission and commitment to academic excellence every day...which is why they embraced and ran with the QM quality assurance structures as a foundation for the sustainable delivery of quality online education as the foundation of the program.” We’re so proud to have this work acknowledged and I hope you’ll join me in congratulating Jami and her team on this major award.

While we have made amazing progress, we continue to look for ways to advance and elevate student opportunities on our campus. Plans are underway for the spring semester and I want to share details to date from Director of Compliance and Safety, Mitch Joseph-Kemplin, to keep you informed and help you plan for success.

Health experts predict that COVID-19 case numbers will continue to rise throughout the winter months. Because most of our Spring semester occurs in those winter months, we are expecting to maintain a very similar academic set up as we have this Fall semester.

  • While students should expect to see classes in largely the same format they are currently in – in-person skills labs and clinicals, and virtual didactic courses – we will be working with faculty to determine if there are times when in-person experiences may be helpful from time to time in primarily virtual classes.
  • We will be keeping all residence halls closed for the remainder of the academic year. Students who need assistance finding housing options can contact Todd Everett, Associate Dean for Student Services, at
  • We are working to find ways to provide special events, e.g., pinning, in-person. The student voice is important to our planning process for those events and our teams planning these events may be reaching out to gather more information.
  • We will be working to slowly bring more in-person student services back. As always, all of our student services are available virtually, including financial aid, academic resource center, and mental health and behavioral health services.

If you have any health and safety questions or concerns, please contact Mitch.

Everyone has done a remarkable job of keeping our campus productive and safe this year…yet another reason to be thankful. I hope you and your loved ones have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.


Kathleen Williamson, PhD, MSN, RN

President & Academic Dean, Mount Carmel College of Nursing

Updated Restart 2020 Guidebook

The Restart 2020 Guidebook has been updated to reflect changes to COVID policies, test information and the addition of an exposure risk flowchart. Check it out here.

Apply to be a Student Ambassador

Calling all Nightingales, apply to be a student ambassador! Help new students adjust to college life and guide current students through important milestones. You will also attend and help with college events such as graduation, pinning and more. Fill out the application here.


MCCN-Lancaster Meets Lola

Some MCCN-Lancaster seniors in N406 had the privilege to talk with a 1944 Mount Carmel School of Nursing Aluma, Lola Zimmerman, and hear about her experience as a US Army surgical nurse who was in occupied France during WWII. Here are some of the comments that the students made concerning this experience:

Max Hickman

“My favorite thing about getting to speak with Lola was when she spoke of the war. When she described being told to walk on the gravel through the beach because the Army had not finished checking the beach for landmines, and having to be briefed on the Holocaust survivors makes you realize how lucky we are. The sense of pride that overcomes you when listening to Lola speak is incredible, to get to listen to her story about how she answered the call from God to go to nursing school and serve her country as a nurse is incredible. Lola is a true inspiration and I am proud to say she is now a part of why I want to become a nurse.”

Sierra Powell

“My favorite thing I learned from Lola was her recount of deployment. She said that she loved surgery the best. I also loved her story about having to shorten her uniform in secret because she would trip on her skirt going up stairs. It was a pleasure meeting her.”

Natasha Webb

“Something that encouraged me that she had discussed with Brittany Arnett and I was how much she respected and commended us for all that we have to learn now. She continuously told us she ‘takes her hat off to us’ and we replied with ‘we take our hats off to you because without you and what you experienced we wouldn’t be where we are today.’ She was such a bright light and joy to talk with. Amazing stories about her time as a nurse, especially while in the military!”

Kaitlin McCarty

“It was a privilege to speak with Lola! She was the humblest human being ever. She constantly told us that she admired our clinical group because we have to learn more than she did in school, but we told her that she was the one worth admiring! All of her stories were interesting and full of detail. My favorite story was when she went to Europe during the war to provide care.”

LifeCare Alliance COVID-19 Utility Assistance Program

LifeCare Alliance is providing assistance to help avoid shutoffs as we navigate the pandemic. If you or your family has experienced furloughs, a reduction in work hours, layoffs, or similar situations related to the COVID-19 pandemic, you are invited to apply for this assistance. Check out this flier for more information, and for other resources they offer.

Achievements: Congratulations to Faculty and Staff

Missy Mohler, MS, RN presented a podium presentation at the National QM ConnectLX virtual conference on October 27. The focus of her presentation was role modeling Quality Matters standards in course design through faculty orientation to online teaching structures.

On October 28, Miriam Abbott, MA and Jami Nininger, DNP, RN presented to the Clarkson College graduate faculty about MCCN's "why" for pursuing quality assurance for online education. After seeing this presentation at NLN in September, Clarkson College graduate faculty requested that Miriam and Dr. Nininger share their story as a foundation for launching the faculty’s own "quality" initiative at Clarkson College.

Library Update

Remember, your library is here to help guide you through your first literature search or project. Remote assistance is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, in the following ways:

Helpful Tools from Your Library - Part 3

It can be challenging to find full-text PDFs, but it doesn’t have to be! Follow these simple steps for success:

  • Login to the library using your credentials.
  • Watch the Self-Directed Learning tutorial (SDL) Accessing Full Text Articles.
  • When you are ready to start searching for articles, go to the MCCN Student Resources page
  • Choose the database you want to search - CINAHL, ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health, PubMed, etc.
  • Remember, you can always return to the SDL for a refresher.

Library Accounts

All enrolled MCCN students automatically have library accounts. Your login credentials are:

  • Username = last name
  • Password = student ID

Library staff are not permitted provide student ID numbers. Your ID number is listed on your student schedule.

Please note, the library does not have any laptops to lend at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Why Choose Us


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


student-to-faculty ratio


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate