The Carmel Rapper

December 21, 2020

Operation Gratitude: Opportunities to Engage

COVID-19 has made this a challenging time for everyone, but no one has faced the realities of the pandemic more continuously and more completely than our frontline healthcare workers. Operation Gratitude provides ways for people to express their support, gratitude and prayers for these Healthcare Heroes. Community support like this is incredibly moving and means the world to our MCHS colleagues. Below are some ways to engage:

  1. Send a note of thanks (and pictures if you want) here. If you prefer to send physical notes/cards, they can be dropped off to Alicia O'Connell at the CSC. Please let her know when you will be dropping materials off so she can be on site, 614-313-4463 or
  2. Join together to thank Mount Carmel caregivers with in-person (masked and socially distant) clap-ins and clap-outs during shift change. There are opportunities to thank caregivers during morning shift change (6:45 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.) and the evening shift change (6:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.) on Wednesdays and Saturdays through the end of January at three hospital sites:
    • Mount Carmel St. Ann's hospital, 500 South Cleveland Avenue Westerville 43081; William Hubbard is the contact (
    • Mount Carmel East hospital, 6001 E. Broad Street Columbus 43213; Alexa Quolke is the contact (
    • Mount Carmel Grove City hospital, 5300 North Meadows Drive Grove City 43123; Tom Hermann is the contact (
  3. >Create Gratitude Gifts of Food—Caregivers often do not have time to take a meal break. COVID-appropriate gifts of individually wrapped snacks/drinks (i.e., protein bars, snack bars, energy drinks) – especially if they also contain notes of thanks – make a real difference in a caregiver's shift. If you would like to do this please deliver the snacks/notes to Yvonne Turner, Mount Carmel Health System CSC, 5160 Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43213. Please send Yvonne an email ahead of time to let her know when you will be dropping off the snacks. She will distribute them to the hospital sites.

Many thanks for ALL that you do every day and for supporting our healthcare heroes as part of Operation Gratitude!

New MCCN Board of Trustees Chair

Keith Martinez

Keith Martinez, CPA, will become the Chair of the MCCN Board of Trustees on January 1, 2021. Martinez will take the reins from Tanya Hahn, MBA, CPA, who served on the MCCN Board of Trustees from 1993 to 2020. We would like to give a big thanks to Tanya for her leadership during her tenure and congratulate Keith on his nomination of Chair.

Virtual Grand Round Wrap-Up

On Wednesday, Dec. 16, MCCN Family Nurse Practitioner students virtually presented one case from their fall 2020 clinical rotations as part of their Grand Rounds.

Grand Rounds is a teaching method, traditionally used in medicine, in which the student presents an interesting case to other medical professionals. Students describe the patient's chief complaint and pertinent symptoms, physical exam findings, diagnostics, and management of the disease process.

These presentations showcase the types of patients the family nurse practitioners may manage, as well as highlight the professionalism and extensive knowledge of the MCCN Family Nurse Practitioner students.


Student Nurses Association of MCCN-Lancaster Gives Back


For the past three Saturdays, MCCN-Lancaster SNAM members have volunteered their time to work at the Baltimore Food Pantry. This year, they also donated baskets of goodies to a fire station in Lancaster as well as Arbors of Carroll which is a long-term care facility.


MCCN-Lancaster Students Run 5K for Hope Hollow

MCCN-Lancaster junior, Grace Gundelfinger organized a 5k fundraiser for Hope Hollow, a cancer support service. These MCCN-Lancaster students braved the elements to participate in the fundraiser. Thank you, Nightingales!

Avondale Elementary Christmas Fundraiser Wrap-Up

Thanks to our numerous donors, we were able to give Avondale $2,315 in funds! These funds will be used to purchase small gifts and gift cards to be distributed to the students as a reward for attending virtual class, adopting a family for Christmas, and providing Christmas dinners for two students’ families.

Library Update

Holiday Hours

  • Thursday, December 24: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Friday, December 25: NO SERVICE
  • Thursday, December 31: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Friday, January 1: NO SERVICE

Otherwise, Your Library is here to help. Remote assistance is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday in the following ways:

  • E-mail:
  • Web chat at the Library site: — Also, text to chat at 614-541-2224 (data rates may apply)
  • Call 614-234-5214
  • If you need help after hours, remember to visit the Library FAQ page at

Library Accounts

All enrolled MCCN students automatically have Library accounts. Your login credentials are:

  • Username = last name
  • Password = student ID

If you are still having trouble logging in, contact us.

Best wishes to you and yours for a joyous holiday season. Stay well and be safe!

—Your Library Staff

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