The Carmel Rapper

December 6, 2021

Message from the President

Kathleen Williamson

Happy December!

It’s this time of year when I am consistently reminded that joy is infectious. It can be found anywhere, if you just take the time to notice it. A sparkling holiday decoration, a great exam score, the look on your friend’s face when you pay them a compliment, and a delicious meal can bring joy to your day. It’s definitely hidden in many of life’s little moments. You just need to recognize it and soak in every bit of it.

Especially now, when finals, papers and projects, along with the demands of the holiday season can be stressful, it’s important to find joy every day. Know, too, that your success in your nursing studies is one of my greatest sources of joy. I love helping student nurses achieve their goals!

Finish this semester strong and then fully enjoy your holiday break. In the spring, we’ll be operating with more in-person classes, while maintaining the safety protocols as noted by the national and state experts. Look for more details coming soon on that.

I wish you a joyous and magical holiday season.


Kathleen Williamson, PhD, MSN, RN
President & Academic Dean, Mount Carmel College of Nursing

Clinical Compliance Change

Mount Carmel College of Nursing will be transitioning from CastleBranch to Project Concert for our clinical compliance tracking. We are in the process of converting your information over to Project Concert to permit one location for faculty and staff to view your compliance for attending clinicals. If you have any renewals for immunizations, CPR, or any other clinical compliance items you will receive notifications from Project Concert to upload the necessary documents in that location. If you have any questions, please reach out to our clinical compliance staff, as below:

Student Nurses Association of Mount Carmel (SNAM) Meeting

Thinking about joining SNAM? Want to know more? Join us at our first meeting of 2022 on Monday, January 10, from noon to 1 p.m. The location is TBD but will be announced soon. If you have any questions, please reach out to Abigail Bentley at

Meet Your New Student Success Advisor!


Welcome Ashley Vaughn, who has joined the Records & Registration team as the Student Success Advisor. Learn more about her below:

Hometown: New Washington Ohio

Alma Mater: Tiffin University

I can’t live without: My daughter, coffee, and pizza (there is just something about melted cheese that makes things better).

If I could travel anywhere, I would go to: Iceland to see Seljalandsfoss (look it up!)

My favorite movie is: Fun fact – I don’t like to watch movies more than once, so I don’t really have a favorite one :-)

Two of my favorite quotes are:

“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.” – Michael Jordan

“Allow your passion to become your purpose, and one day it will become your profession” - Gabriel Bernstein

A little about myself: I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs and was the only college graduate aside from an aunt who was a nurse. I always wanted to somehow help kids or young adults and thought juvenile probation was my calling. After getting a job as a student worker at the college I was attending I realized that Higher Education was how I could help people, of all ages, and fulfill that passion I have always had. I have now worked in several different positions within Higher Education for 17 years and can’t imagine doing anything else.

Nursing Leadership – Clinical Operations Begins Second Cohort

The Nursing Leadership - Clinical Operations (NLCO) program is pleased to begin its second cohort of graduate students. We are excited to have this group of present and future nursing leaders begin our 18-month all-online program. The first cohort of NLCO graduate students is scheduled to graduate in May 2022. For more information about our program please contact Dr. Deanna Hunt at

Digi-Know: Notes from you Instructional Designer

Thomas Liwosz

Digi-Know that Keynote is for more than just presentations? Yes! It is a versatile tool, which can be used to display information, graphics, audio, video and even self-created animations using magic move to bring your project to life. For example, students can use Keynote to make a flashcard that audibly explains, graphic shows with motion and lists important things to remember while working with a patient who may have a given condition. No longer do we need to needlessly pack slides with information that is straining on the eyes. With the i-Innovate program, we now have the ability to redefine how learning objectives are met. Want to learn more or come up with new ideas for your classroom? Reach out to me at or to the faculty fellows at

MCCN Faculty Members Set to Retire

A big thank you and congratulations to the following MCCN faculty members on their upcoming retirement:


Deborah Huff, MSN, APRN-BC, has been with the College for more than 14 years. She says she will miss the students, who she credits for helping her grow into the teacher and nurse she is today. Deb is looking forward to opening her private practice in therapeutic healing, volunteering with cognitively impaired older adults and spending more time with her family.


Therese Snively, PhD, RN, has been employed at Mount Carmel for more than 11 years. She will greatly miss the students and her colleagues. The next chapter for Dr. Snively includes being active in a service organization (ESA), quilting and taking care of many little projects she hasn’t been able to tackle.


Peggy Shaw, MSN/ED, RN, worked at the College for nearly 14 years. Peggy will miss her colleagues and serving the RN-BSN students. She plans to spend more time with her family (especially her five grandchildren!) and volunteering more at Loving Care Hospice in Marysville, Ohio.

FNP Student Grand Rounds - Fall 2021

On December 1, 47 students from the FNP program presented at MCCN FNP Student Grand Rounds. Students selected a single patient case from their Primary Care I and II clinical practicums to present to MCCN students, faculty and staff. These presentations, hosted both in-person and virtually this year, allow our students to develop their professional speaking skills, demonstrate their clinical reasoning abilities and share their knowledge with other members of the nursing community. We are so proud of the hard work and tremendous knowledge of our FNP students and would like to thank all those who attended! Our next MCCN FNP Student Grand Rounds will be held in April of 2022 and we hope to see you there!

Consider Supporting Avondale Elementary School This Holiday Season

Traditionally, at this time of year we are all busy preparing for the upcoming holiday season. Another tradition that we will continue this year at MCCN is the GoFundMe drive to support the students at Avondale Elementary School.

Click to Donate

This drive was a huge success last year! Ms. Knight, the principal at Avondale Elementary School, was able to use the funds to buy prizes and items of recognition for students throughout the year. She reported that these were a great source of support to the student body. Donations for Avondale will be accepted through December 22.

Safety & Security Update: General Holiday Safety and Crime Prevention Tips

At Home

  • Make sure all doors and windows have secondary locks (window pins, deadbolts, dowels, etc.) and use them!
  • Do not hide spare keys in mailboxes or planters, or under doormats.
  • Ensure that dark areas and entrances have outdoor lights that are turned on after dark or are activated by sensors.
  • Keep trees and shrubbery trimmed (below 4 feet) so they do not conceal doors and windows. Remember, overgrown foliage can provide a hiding place for criminals
  • Place gifts where they can’t be seen from the outside.
  • Consider safe deposit boxes for coin and stamp collections, seldom-worn jewelry, stock bonds, etc.
  • Be sure to mail cards, checks or gift certificates at the Post Office
  • Lock your vehicle and remove all the valuables and garage door openers. Even in your driveway.

Strangers at your Door

  • Use caution anytime there is a stranger at your door.
  • Be suspicious of unexpected sales calls or deliveries. Ask for identification.
  • Be aware of scams that criminals commit to take advantage of peoples’ generosity during the holidays.

Leaving for the Holidays

  • Ask a trusted friend, neighbor, Neighborhood Watch or Police member to watch your home.
  • Use timers for lights and radios while you’re away.
  • Remember to make arrangements for mail and newspapers.

After the Holidays

  • Don’t advertise expensive toys, electronics, or other gifts received by the boxes left for garbage or recycling collections. Break down boxes.
  • Add new items to your home inventory. Take photos or video of all items of value in your home and list each item’s make, model, serial number and other information.
  • Engrave new items to help identify them in the event they are stolen.

Library Update

Holiday Greetings

Staff of the Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library wish all of you a safe and relaxing holiday season!

Cristo Rey Student Recognized

Congratulations to our Cristo Rey High School student Ashely Angeles Gill on receiving Student of the Month in November. Ashley is a freshman, and this is her first year working at the library. Supervisors are encouraged to nominate exceptional students, and four are chosen monthly by the Cristo Rey Professional Work Study Program staff. Below is a portion of our nomination for Ashley:

“Ashley needs to be recognized for the mature and professional manner with which she began her work experience at Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library.”

Library Holiday Hours

The library will be closed Friday, December 24, in observance of Christmas Day and Friday, January 31, in observance of New Year’s Day. We will resume regular hours on Monday, January 3, 2022.

Library Details

Remember, your library is here to help. You can connect with the library from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday by:

If you need help after hours, remember to visit the Library FAQ Page.

Why Choose Us


of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


average class size