Baccalaureate Nursing Program Outcomes

The undergraduate program prepares a graduate who:

  1. Applies the knowledge of the relationship of the physical and social sciences and humanities as a basis for professional nursing.
  2. Exhibits the values of dignity of persons, service to others, social justice, altruism, autonomy, and integrity in the care of clients.
  3. Practices culturally competent caring behaviors.
  4. Uses evidence-based practice to promote the health of clients;
  5. Incorporates professional behaviors within one’s role as a member of the nursing profession and society;
  6. Implements the nursing process to maximize the health outcomes of clients through the use of evidence based practice;
  7. Implements the communication process within the professional role;
  8. Uses leadership skills to design, provide, coordinate, and manage health care in the achievement of safety and quality in client care;
  9. Collaborates with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams to provide quality care for clients through the efficient management of resources;
  10. Implements critical thinking; and
  11. Demonstrates clinical competence in a variety of settings with diverse populations.
We are test-optional!

Admissions Requirements

Mount Carmel College of Nursing welcomes first-time Freshmen and Transfer students to our Traditional Four Year Program at all grade levels.

Admission to the College is based upon the following:

  • Graduation from an accredited high school (or GED)
  • Successful completion of the following college-preparatory course work while in high school or the college equivalent with a grade of "C" or better (a grade of C- will not be accepted)
    • 4 Units English
    • 3 Units Mathematics (including Algebra II)
    • 3 Units Laboratory Science (including Biology & Chemistry)
    • 3 Units Social Science
    • 2 Units Foreign Language (sign language accepted) —Recommended
    • 1 Unit Visual or Performing Art —Recommended
  • Recommended cumulative grade point average (GPA):
    • High school GPA: 3.0 Direct Admit, 2.75 Provisional Admit
    • Transfer GPA: 2.8 Direct Admit, 2.5 Provisional Admit
  • We are test-optional! However, our academic scholarships require a minimum ACT or SAT score. We recommend a minimum ACT composite score of a 20 or an SAT score of a 950 as a baseline for success in our undergraduate programs
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores, if English is not your native Language (a minimum score of 79 on the internet-based test is required)

Required Documents

  1. Application
  2. Application Fee ($30)
  3. Activities/Interest Resume
  4. Official High School Transcript
  5. Official College Transcript(s)
  6. TOEFL Scores*
  7. WES Evaluation**
  8. GED***
  9. Copy of Visa or Permanent Resident Card (if applicable)

† Some students experience personal or professional hardships or other extenuating circumstances which negatively impact academic performance. If you choose to do so, you may submit a 150 word or less essay that addresses any downtrends or drops in your academic history.

* TOEFL is required for All applicants whose native language is not English are required to take and submit scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The required score is 79 for internet-based, 213 on computer-based and 550 on paper-based. TOEFL scores are valid two (2) years from the test date. To learn more about the TOEFL, please visit

**Transfer or Advanced Placement applicants who have taken course work or earned a degree abroad are required to have foreign credit evaluated by one of the following Credential Evaluation Services.

*** Prospective students who have not completed high school are required to submit documentation that they have earned their GED. Please note that MCCN requires that students with a GED must successfully complete the required college preparatory course work with a grade of “C” or better. These courses can be taken at the college level.

Why Choose Us


of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)


years of educating nurses


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate