Freeze Date
Mount Carmel College of Nursing uses a "freeze" date each semester to determine a student's enrollment status for awarding financial aid. The courses for which the student is registered on the freeze date will determine financial aid eligibility as long as the completed results from the student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) are on file by that date.

For students whose completed FAFSA results are received after the freeze date, financial aid will be based on the student's enrollment on the date that the completed FAFSA results are received. "Completed FAFSA results" means that an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) has been calculated by the U.S. Department of Education. This EFC may change once all documentation is submitted and processed.

2018-2020 Freeze Dates
Fall 2018 - August 24
Spring 2019 - January 11
Summer 2019 - May 17
Fall 2019 - August 23
Spring 2020 - January 17
Summer 2020 - May 22
Class changes made before the freeze date
If a student adds or drops classes before the freeze date, the amount of financial aid the student is eligible for may be affected.

Class changes made after the freeze date
Financial aid will not be adjusted if classes are added or dropped after the freeze date.

However, the attendance requirements below must be met. If students do not complete or withdraws from their classes, they may be required to return a portion of their funds according to the Return of Title IV Funds policy (see below).

Attendance Verification
Students must be registered and attending in their classes in order to meet the eligibility requirements for the federal student aid programs.

For Federal Pell Grant and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant recipients, the student’s award amount will be based on the courses for which he/she is registered on the freeze date. These grants are disbursed based on the number of credits for which a student is registered and attending. The student will not be eligible for these grants for courses which he/she does not attend.
For Federal SEOG, the student must be enrolled full time and in attendance. The student will not be eligible for this grant_for courses which he/she does not attend.
For Federal Direct Stafford Loan recipients, the student must be enrolled in at least six credit hours on the freeze date and on the day the student’s loan is disbursed. The student also must be registered attending.
Registration for eligibility for all financial aid awards, including federal funds, will be verified prior to disbursement and on each semester’s Freeze Date through review with Records and Registration.

Students who withdraw or do not complete classes
Students who withdraw from all classes, stop attending all of their classes, and/or do not complete all courses for which they have registered must abide by the Return of Title IV Funds policy. As a result, a student could owe an overpayment to a grant program, owe funds to the College, and/or may jeopardize eligibility for future financial aid.

Students receiving Ohio College Opportunity Grant funds will have their grant prorated based on any changes to tuition charges. Other state grant programs may also require adjustments to the award if a student drops a class.

Before withdrawing or dropping any classes that would reduce registered credit hours, students should consult with a Financial Services representative to help determine the impact this may have on financial aid eligibility.

Part-time Enrollment
Students who are enrolled less than full-time (12 credit hours) may be eligible to receive financial aid. Students should refer to the enrollment requirements for each financial aid program in which they may be eligible. Award amounts may vary if the student is not enrolled full-time.

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