View Mobile Gallery On Saturday, May 9, 253 graduates, their friends and families, plus MCCN faculty and staff celebrated Commencement at Grove...

View Mobile Gallery MCCN was pleased to honor and recognize graduates during the Pinning and Recognition Ceremony, held May 8 at Grove City...

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Kathy and Megan McLain have more in common than just being mother and daughter and receiving degrees together at MCCN’s 2015 Commencement. A...

The nomination process is underway for the 2015 Mount Carmel Excellence in Nursing Awards, sponsored by Mount Carmel College of Nursing and Mount...

We received heartfelt guidance for our newest alumni when we asked Mount Carmel alumni “What advice would you like to share with other nurses as...

If you’re around this summer, MCCN’s Community Service Club invites you to serve lunch at the Holy Family Soup Kitchen. Located near...

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scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate