The Department of Education requires Mount Carmel to review selected FAFSA’s to ensure the accuracy of the information reported. This process is called Federal Verification. If you are selected to be verified, you will be requested to submit documentation in order to complete the review. Your financial aid is not considered finalized and will not post to your account until the process is completed.

You are required to submit all documentation requested by Mount Carmel College of Nursing if you are selected for verification. If you do not submit the requested documentation, your financial aid will not be processed and may be cancelled.

Any errors or conflicting information that may be discovered on your FAFSA during verification will be corrected. Corrections to your FAFSA information may result in changes to your EFC and eligibility. You will be notified via a revised financial aid award notification if any changes are made your FAFSA, EFC and/or aid eligibility as a result of the verification process.

*The revised award will be completed and you will be notified of the results within three days of MCCN’s receipt of your corrected FAFSA.

*Please note that you will all receive an updated SAR (Student Aid Report) from the Department of Education reflecting any changes that were made to information on your FAFSA by MCCN.

If you are selected for verification, you will need to submit the following initial documentation to the Mount Carmel College of Nursing Financial Aid Office:

  • Completed Verification Worksheet (available at Verification Forms, CARMELink and in the financial aid office
  • An Official IRS Tax Return Transcript of your tax return (if the IRS Data Retrieval tool was not used)
  • An Official IRS Tax Return Transcript of your parent's tax return (if you are a dependent student and if the IRS Data Retrieval tool was not used)
  • An Official IRS Tax Return Transcript of your spouse's tax return (if you are married and filed separately)

Additional information may be required after review of your submission. You may view the status of all requested information via your CARMELink page.

You can order an official IRS Tax Return Transcript at directly from the IRS website or by calling 1-800-908-9946. Please note that Mount Carmel cannot accept or use a copy of actual tax returns or an official IRS Tax Account Transcript for the verification process.

If you did not use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool when filing your FAFSA initially, you may still use the tool to expedite the verification process. You may want to update your FAFSA using the IRS Data Retrieval Download Tool after you have been selected for verification, you may do so at the FAFSA website.

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