Applying for financial aid at MCCN is really easy! Just follow the steps below. When you have completed one step go to the next and be assured that we are right along with you in the process.

Step 1

Apply for Admission into one of the programs offered at Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

Step 2

The student (and one parent for dependent students) will need to apply for a FSA (Federal Student Aid) ID to be used for the electronic signature for the FAFSA and other forms for Federal Student Aid. Go to to create your username and password for the Department of Education. Your username and password should be maintained for future use.

Step 3

Complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) Use your PIN from Step 2 to electronically sign your FAFSA. The Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN) school code is 030719. The MCCN FAFSA filing priority deadline is March 15th. See The FAFSA Process for additional information for completing the FAFSA.

Step 4

Complete your Entrance Counseling, First-time borrowers to MCCN and students entering into a graduate or doctoral program must complete Entrance Counseling before Federal Stafford Loans may be disbursed to the student.

Step 5

Complete your Master Promissory Note, The Master Promissory Note must also be completed before Federal Stafford Loans may be disbursed to the student.

Step 6

Complete the Verification process if selected by the Department of Education. See Eligibility Verification for additional information regarding the verification process.

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