The Carmel Rapper

October 19, 2020


i-Innovate: New MCCN Student Success Initiative

MCCN is collaborating with Apple on a student success initiative called i-Innovate. i-Innovate is a campus-wide initiative enabling MCCN to lead transformation in education through innovation to foster digital competency and provide equal technological opportunities to all MCCN students. With this initiative, we will enhance the technology in our classrooms and put common technology into students’ hands to enhance teaching and learning experiences.

There will be multiple phases in this journey. The most recent phase occurred on Monday, October 12 when MCCN faculty picked up their iPads from the College and received one on one tech support from our IT team. Each faculty member will receive an i-Pad to help leverage successful educational strategies. More details to come soon about this exciting journey.

Mount Carmel College of Nursing Scholar Among AAUW Fellowships and Grants Recipients

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) awarded a Career Development Grant to Mery Kanashiro, who is currently pursuing her BSN at MCCN. Congratulations, Mery!


MCCN Sigma Theta Tau Chapter, Rho Omicron Holds Virtual Kick-Off Meeting

On Wednesday, September 23, the Rho Omicron Board of Directors held a virtual meeting to kick-off the 2020-2021 academic year. This meeting brought excitement and energy as our newly-elected officers to the board were introduced and the board brainstormed ideas to bring to life Rho Omicron. Great discussions were had on how to promote, advance, build, connect, and revitalize Rho Omicron, locally and regionally, by possibly offering more events, connecting with local and regional systems, organizations, and partners. Be on the lookout for a calendar and announcements of upcoming events to join, connect, and be involved within your chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, Rho Omicron.

Rho Omicron Chapter Board of Directors and Committee Assignments for 2020-2021:

  • President: Cora Arledge, MS, BSEd, RN
  • Vice-President: Allyson Evans, DNP, CNP, RN
  • Secretary: Jody Gill-Rocha, MS, RN
  • Treasurer: Bonnie Moses, MS, RN
  • Governance: Chair: Shirley Cooley, PhD, RN, CNE, CEFM
    • Governance Committee Members: Beth Medaugh, MS, RN and Sherry Hull MS, RN
  • Leadership: Kerry Fankhauser, DNP, RN and Rosanna Bumgardner PhD, RN
  • Counselor: Barbara Barta, PhD, RN
  • Publicity: Frieda Gill, MS, RN, CCRN

Congratulations MCCN OAAPN 2020 Scholarship Recipients

To promote the professional development of APRNs, each year the Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses (OAAPN) awards up to four scholarships for students in an approved entry-level program leading to APRN licensure, which are presented during the Annual Statewide Conference. Congratulations to MCCN 2020 APRN scholarship recipients, Lindsay West and Susie Winters!

Achievements: Congratulations to Faculty and Staff

Angel Smothers, DNP, FNP-BC, achieved her evidence-based practice certification (EBP-C) through the OSU Fuld Institute. Well done, Angel!

MCCN-Lancaster SNAM Holds First Meeting

Lancaster SNAM held their first meeting of the year, virtually. Officers were elected: Abbey Kunkler- president, Bailee Poston-vice president, Jennifer Stoneburner-secretary, Sierra Powell-treasurer, and Grace Gundelfinger-breakthrough to nursing.

This group is working hard to find innovative solutions that allow them to continue to support the mission and values of MCCN while supporting the Lancaster community.

Library Update

Remember, Your Library is here to help guide you through your first literature search or project. Remote assistance is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, in the following ways:

Helpful Tools from Your Library - Part 2

Imagine a filing cabinet containing folders of the articles you saved for all the research papers you are writing. RefWorks is literally a virtual filing cabinet. Not only can you import citations - RefWorks allows you to save PDFs of those articles. The real magic comes when a few clicks turns selected citations into a bibliography. For an overview, take the library’s self-directed learning tutorial.

Library Accounts

All enrolled MCCN students automatically have library accounts. Your login credentials are:

  • Username = last name
  • Password = student ID

Library staff are not permitted provide student ID numbers. Your ID number is listed on your student schedule.

Please note, the library does not have any laptops to lend at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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