What is the AG-ACNP Program?

The Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG-ACNP) track is advanced graduate education for registered nurses ready to pursue a dynamic career providing expert care to adults in acute care and specialized settings. The AG-ACNP specialty offers diverse opportunities, including advanced nursing roles in hospitals, specialty clinics, hybrid inpatient and outpatient positions, and even telehealth, serving rural or underserved hospitals. The AG-ACNP track provides graduates with a multitude of job opportunities, ensuring a rewarding and fulfilling professional path.

When does the AG-ACNP track start?

The track admits students in the Fall (August) and Spring (January). The Enrollment Period is from December 1 to June 30 and August 2 - November 30.

How long does it take to complete the track?

This is an 18 month program, over a total of five semesters. Students take no more than 2 classes at one time to promote a healthy work, life, school balance.

How many practice experience hours expected?

Track is 48 credit hours / 650 clinical hours

Is the track online?

The track is offered in a hybrid format with online and face-to-face coursework. It is a cohorted module (meaning you go through the program with the same people). Students can expect to come to campus starting their third semester of the program.

What specialty coursework is required?

  • NURS 574: Procedures & Diagnostics for the AG-ANCP (1 credit hour)
  • NURS 590: Practice Experience 1 (7 credit hours, 150 clinical hours)
  • NURS 591: Practice Experience 2 (8 credit hours, 250 hours clinical)
  • NURS 592: Practice Experience 3 (8 credit hours, 250 hours clinical)

When do clinicals start?

Direct clinicals will start the third semester of the program. Students will need to have a site secured by the end of the second semester of the program.

Is there assistance with clinical site setup?

MCCN has a Clinical Coordinator that can provide students with resources to find appropriate preceptors to complete their hours and have a well rounded clinical experience. It is the student's responsibility to secure a preceptor for each clinical experience to ensure they meet the required hours for graduation.

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