May Message From the President
MCCN Faculty, Staff and Students,
There is so much excitement, change and promise in the air at MCCN!
Excitement is centered on all our graduates who are about to receive doctoral and master’s hoods, graduate and undergraduate awards; BSN pins, and hundreds of degrees this weekend. Beginning tomorrow, May 2 with the Graduate Blessing and Recognition Ceremony; continuing on Friday with the Baccalaureate Pinning and Presentation of Senior Awards; and culminating on Saturday with the 2019 Commencement Ceremony – it is indeed a time of great excitement. In addition to all of this, I am personally excited to hear what my dear friend and nationally recognized nurse executive, Margaret L. McClure, EdD, RN, FAAN, has to say to our graduating class.
Change is focused on all the physical modifications our campus is displaying with the move of Mount Carmel West to the new Mount Carmel Grove City hospital last weekend. Thank you to the many MCCN faculty and staff who volunteered to help in that exhilarating endeavor. It was bittersweet for many who have long been associated with Mount Carmel West, as the patients were transported, critical care analyzers were relocated and every aspect of inpatient care was switched to the new location. Your efforts in helping make the move smooth are so appreciated. Now, we temporarily live with fencing and an air of anticipation until the ED relocates to Green Street later in May and the last to leave – the Regional Core Laboratory – moves to its new off campus location. Once those changes occur, we will see a flurry of activity as first responders – EMS and law enforcement personnel from across the city – perform training drills in a real-life hospital setting. After that, the phases of demolition will begin later in the summer and then we will witness major physical change to our campus as the anticipation of all the enhancements the College will enjoy comes to fruition.
Promise is evident all around us! Not just the promise of the multiple positive impacts members of this graduating class will have upon the patients and families and students and colleagues they will encounter in their careers, but also the promise of the future for MCCN. The Higher Learning Commission draft report from the recent site visit confirmed that our College met all requirements without need for any follow-up and reflects that our legacy of excellence continues. The last 115 years have been remarkable, but with our Journey to Transformation becoming more evident every day, the promise of our bright future has never been more palpable!
Finally, enjoy this Commencement weekend as you congratulate your students and each other upon the close of yet another successful, productive and rewarding academic year. I wish all of you a restful, invigorating and renewing summer before we reconvene in August.
Ann Marie Brooks, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP President, Mount Carmel College of Nursing