The Carmel Rapper

April 2, 2020

Virtual Class

Senior Snapshot: “Friday Fam” Virtual Class

Senior students paused for a photo during their Caring Health Perspectives for Community Nursing class with Assistant Professor Kathryn Southerland. Southerland says, “We do refer to ourselves as Friday Fam now because we are invited into each other’s homes every week for the discussions.” As we continue navigating through remote learning, we continue to see resilience and adaptability from faculty, staff and students. We are all in this together!

MCCN Student Services Available

MCCN Student Services are available and free to our students while we practice safe distancing while continuing virtual connections. Please visit to make a video or telephone appointment. If you are dealing with the stress of COVID-19 and need support, please visit for more resources. MCCN is here for you.

Message From the President

Ann Marie Brooks

Following up on my message from last month: Although I can attest that March did go “out like a lamb,” that was purely from a weather standpoint. Frankly, so much transpired over the last month, it’s hard to believe that only 31 days have gone by.

I thank each of you – students, faculty and staff, as well as all of our family members for your resilience during this time when it is impossible to predict what we will next face. One thing is clear: we will face it and overcome it: Together.

Indeed, this is a terrible, unprecedented period that we are living through: The coronavirus that causes the disease state COVID-19 has seemingly turned our world upside-down, and much has transpired in ways we could not have predicted. For our graduating students, the impact of COVID-19 has significantly altered expectations related to their achievements, all in the midst of completing educational requirements and being part of the critical and valued workforce.

These unprecedented times call for unprecedented solutions and sacrifices. As individuals who have heard their life’s calling to serve others and who have answered that call by choosing to become registered professional nurses, we are a unique fellowship. As such, it is baked into our DNA to collaborate with a spirit of unparalleled care and compassion. We truly are all in this together and – together – we will persevere.

In the meantime, if you have questions or concerns, I encourage you to reach out to me at Thank you again for your perseverance, resilience and compassion.


Dr. Ann Marie Brooks

Ann Marie Brooks, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP
President, Mount Carmel College of Nursing

Impact of COVID-19 Global Pandemic in March

  • On March 9, Mike DeWine, Governor of Ohio, declared a State of Emergency in response to the reported first cases of COVID-19 in Ohio and asked Ohio’s colleges and universities to move to online classes.
  • On March 11, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. That same day, in responses to CDC recommendations and the request of Mike DeWine, Governor of Ohio, MCCN suspended all face-to-face classes, including onsite clinical instruction.
  • On March 13, we communicated then foreseeable “next steps” to students, including the fact that face-to-face classes and onsite clinical instruction would be replaced by remote classes and clinical instruction through the end of the month.
  • On March 16, we resumed classes and clinical instruction in an online environment, with gratitude to our faculty and staff who worked vigorously for a smooth transition to the online environment.
  • On March 18, Andrew Ginther, Mayor of Columbus, declared a State of Emergency for the city. MCCN subsequently extended remote learning through the end of the semester and announced that Commencement weekend activities would be postponed.
  • On March 20, together MCCN leaders and Board of Trustees made the difficult decision that, to help ensure the health and safety of all, Commencement weekend activities would be canceled. However, upon hearing the disappointment of our graduating seniors, we immediately began exploring other means of recognition for this important milestone.
  • On March 21, we learned that a member of our own MCCN community had tested positive for the coronavirus; we immediately communicated to our students, faculty and staff.
  • On March 23, Amy Acton, MD, MPH, director of Health for the Ohio Department of Health issued a statewide “Stay-at-Home” order.
  • On March 31, Dr. Acton reported 2,199 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ohio and reiterated her projection that the disease will peak in mid-May at approximately 10,000 cases per day.

To keep apprised of the latest COVID-19 information, please visit our special COVID-19 page at or

Mount Carmel Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund

If you're interested in making a gift to support the efforts of our healthcare workers who are making a difference in the fight against COVID-19, the Mount Carmel Foundation has created the COVID-19 Response Fund. Your donation will provide comfort to our caregivers and community by providing essential needs like personal protection equipment, blood test analyzers, ventilators and other unique and unexpected health care requests. Help us fight COVID-19. To make a gift, click here and designate to the COVID-19 Response Fund or MCCN Our Legacy of Learning- Student Emergency Fund.

Medical Supplies Needed

Looking for nonmonetary way to support colleagues and physicians during the COVID-19 outbreak? Mount Carmel has five sites across central Ohio where you can drop off new, unopened medical supplies. You can find the locations, and a list of supplies needed here.

AACN/OADN: COVID-19 Response Webinar Series

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is pleased to announce a new collaboration with the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) that will offer free webinars focused on academic nursing’s response to COVID-19 to nursing faculty, staff and students at universities and community colleges nationwide. You can find the webinars here.

Message From the Student Nurses Association of Mount Carmel

Please download the attached message from SNAM here.


MCCN Colleagues Celebrated for Longevity

Mount Carmel Health System held its annual Longevity Dinner on Friday, March 6, for colleagues with over 25 years of service. MCCN colleagues who were recognized were Kathy Smith, MBA, director of Business Affairs; Margaret Stinner, MS, RN, assistant professor; and Pat McKnight, MS, RDN, LD, FADA, FAND, assistant professor. Professor McKnight was recognized as the colleague with the longest tenure of 58 years!

Academic Resource Center

The services offered through the Academic Resource Center (The ARC) are still available throughout our move to remote learing. If you need help with any writing assignments or in any other areas, please refer to the ARC CARMELink page and reach out to any of the Faculty Coaches or Peer Tutors listed there. There are also a number of other resources available directly on that page. Please contact Anne Hinze, MA, MS, Academic Resource Center coordinator at

Many Faces of MCCN

Faculty, staff and students, during this unprecedented time MCCN is striving to stay connected, while practicing safe social distancing. Please submit your photos of virtual learning and photos of what you and your family are doing to stay connected and positive while staying safe and healthy to Camryn Stobart at

MCHS Names New President and CEO

Lorraine Lutton

Mount Carmel Health System has named Lorraine Lutton, FACHE, president and chief executive officer of Mount Carmel Health System, effective April 6. Lutton is a strategic, mission-driven and forward-thinking leader with broad experience in health care. Since 2016, she has been president and CEO of Roper St. Francis Healthcare (RSFH) in Charleston, South Carolina, where she led transformations in clinical quality, culture, governance and financial strength. Lutton redefined the vision and strategic plan, and she restructured the organization to engage colleagues and streamline decision-making. She also increased market share and advanced RSFH’s regional leadership, opening a new hospital and building the infrastructure for population health and ambulatory care to serve more people.

Student Services Relocation

Colleen Cipriani, MA, director of Student Life, and Vicki Neal, BA, MSW, LISW-S, behavioral health clinician, are now located in Marian Hall on the first floor.

2020 End of Academic Year Awards

It’s time to vote for MCCN faculty and staff for the End of Academic Year Awards. Do you know a MCCN faculty or staff member who deserves recognition? Click here to vote now!

Student Registration Information

Below is important information for student registration.

  • Online registration for 2020 Summer Session will start the week of April 13.
  • For planning purposes, summer schedules (PDFs) have been posted to CARMELink > Records and Registration.
  • Registration windows will open at 12:01 a.m. on the days that are posted to CARMELink and are based on your current classification.
  • Check your CARMELink record for holds by following the instructions in the How to Register Online tutorial. A hold will prevent you from registering.
  • Complete the required Registration Agreement prior to April 13 (recommended). Go to the Records & Registration page and scroll down to “Course Schedules” to find the Registration Agreement.
  • NOTE: Second Degree Accelerated Program and Advanced Placement Program students do not register themselves. They will be registered by Records and Registration staff.

MCCN Safety and Security Update: Spring Crime Prevention Tips

With the change in weather and warming temperatures (regardless of the current COVID-19 outbreak) residents will begin to notice an increase in outdoor activity and foot traffic in neighborhoods, around campus and other areas. This change will unfortunately bring an increase in suspicious individuals and people seeking an easy opportunity to steal.

For your personal protection, we recommend you begin your spring with the creation of a pre-departure routine of making sure your residence is properly secured including all doors, windows, garages, patio access, basements, fencing etc. We always recommend the use of an alarm system and motion enabled lights which should be focused on your driveway and entry points. Additionally, you should consider varying your travel routine.

Always make sure your vehicle is properly secured and check that the automatic locks on your vehicle are functioning when using your remote/FOB by pulling on the door handles after you remote lock them. Remember, these simple checks can deter most crime, as many thieves look for easy targets. Let’s take the time and help prevent crime this spring, and during this challenging time.

Sigma Theta Tau Spring Scholarship Event

The event, originally scheduled for Apr. 22, has been canceled.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Wrap-Up

MCCN celebrated Ash Wednesday throughout the day on Wednesday, Feb. 26. Campus Ministry members distributed ashes to students, faculty and staff in the new chapel on the first floor of Marian Hall. Time was spent sharing prayer and reflecting on the meaning of Lent. Mary Gregg, MS, RN, CNM, assistant professor, helped distribute the ashes and then shared her ashes with her mother, who she visited later that day.


A Girl’s Life Celebrates 15 Years!

On Monday, March 2, 2020, 28 girls ages 8-13 and their moms, aunts, grandmothers and great-grandmothers gathered for A Girl's Life at Mount Carmel Grove City. Led by Mary Gregg, MS, RN, CNM, assistant professor, the group talked about what they loved about being girls, the changes of puberty, and what to expect as they experience this time in their lives.

The MCCN tradition of A Girl's Life will continue October 19, 2020, at Mount Carmel New Albany Hospital. To register, call 614.234.LIFE or visit our website.

Achievements: Congratulations to Faculty and Staff

Mary Nibert, MBA, RN, CEN, adjunct faculty, successfully defended her dissertation for her Doctorate of Healthcare Administration. This makes her third degree from Franklin University!

MCCN’s very own Amanda Page, MFA, MCCNd associate professor has published The Columbus Anthology, a collection of pieces from local artists, activists, writers, and musicians, as well as other Columbus citizens, to depict what Columbus is becoming.

Library Update

Library Remote Assistance

Despite the of the closure of the MCCN Campus, your Library is still here for you virtually. You can connect with the Library from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday by:

Self-Directed Learning Tutorials

Check out the Library’s Self-Directed Learning tutorials. These are provided to assist you with searching for full text articles, conducting literature searches, learning about copyright and creating a RefWorks account. Find them all at

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scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


average class size


of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)