The Carmel Rapper

October 20, 2022

Welcome back from Fall Break!

Jami Nininger

I hope each of you found time to enjoy the time off and have come back with a renewed sense of purpose to finish this semester strong. I can feel the great momentum that we all have for moving forward, demonstrating academic excellence, and working hard to achieve our goals.

Everyone has been working so hard and I want you all to know how much I personally appreciate your contributions to our collective success. Students, faculty, and staff members at MCCN are simply extraordinary and I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of this community. Thanks for all you do.

Along with all of the hard work, we definitely benefit from having some fun, too. To get in the Halloween spirit, the Skills Lab is hosting “Lab of Horrors.” Students will need to identify mistakes in patient care and can compete for prizes for the best answers. It will be a fun way to help students develop critical thinking skills. You can read more about how to participate in the article below.

Just a week or so after Halloween, there is an important opportunity for you. While it’s easy to let school become all-consuming, as nurses and future nurses, we know we impact the larger community as well. I hope you’ll take time to vote in the upcoming election, by voting early (which is open now) or on November 8, to make sure your voice is heard beyond MCCN.

Before I sign off, I want to acknowledge and congratulate Samantha Schmitz, PhD, MSN, RN, Barbara Welch, DNP, MS, RN, Kathryn Sutherland, DNP, MOAM, RN, Cheryl Eads, MSN, RN, and Beth Medaugh, MSN, RN on their speaking and poster presentations at the recent Ohio League for Nursing Event in Akron, Ohio. Great job! We are so proud of you and your representation of MCCN.

The second half of this semester is underway. Let’s make it great.


Jami Nininger signature

Jami Nininger, DNP, RN
Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, Interim Academic Dean

MCCN Microbiology Earns Quality Matters Certification

Joy Voorhees

The MCCN SCIE 125 Microbiology, taught by Professor Joy Voorhees, DVM, earned the first MCCN traditional undergraduate Quality Matters (QM) Certification Mark following a rigorous review process. The QM Certification Mark is the internationally recognized symbol of online and blended course design quality and represents Dr. Voorhees’s ongoing commitment to creating learning environments that provide learners with a clear pathway to success.

“The Quality Matters Official Review provided the opportunity to reflect on this course and examine it from the learner perspective;” said Dr. Jami Nininger, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs & Interim Academic Dean, “From accessibility to learner engagement to assessments, the review used internationally-recognized standards and best practices to examine critical course components related to the learner experience and ultimately learner success.”

The QM Official Review provided independent validation of the quality, learner-focused course design found in Microbiology. Reviews are conducted by QM-Certified Reviewers using the Quality Matters Rubric and are based on research and best practices. A course earns the QM Certification Mark once it meets QM Rubric Standards at the 85% threshold or better and meets all Essential Standards.

About Quality Matters

Quality Matters (QM) is the global organization leading quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments. It provides a scalable quality assurance system for online and blended learning used within and across organizations. When you see QM Certification Marks on courses or programs, it means they have met QM Course Design Standards or QM Program Review Criteria in a rigorous review process.

Dr. Lauren Russo Wins 2022 Justice Award for Work in Community Health

Lauren Russo

Congratulations to Lauren Russo, DNP, FNP, assistant professor, for her nomination as a PrimaryOne Health 2022 Justice Award recipient! Dr. Russo was nominated because of her tireless advocacy for her patients for the elimination of health inequities and justice for racial, ethnic and cultural patient populations. Dr. Russo will be presented with her award at the 25th Anniversary and Healthcare Justice Award event held on Thursday, Nov. 10 at COSI. Funds from the event will go towards the Healthcare Justice Scholarship Fund to provide scholarships for underrepresented racial, ethnic, and cultural populations entering or advancing in health professions.

Professional Development Week Wrap-Up

While MCCN students enjoyed their Fall Break, faculty and staff participated in Professional Development Week with a plethora of activities. Monday’s schedule included sessions on how to organize professional portfolios, question writing, stress management, and Roberts Rules of Order. Tuesday’s programs involved active learning, quality matters, and an introduction to Franklinton Farms. Wednesday was a day full of information about the iPad.

Lab of Horrors opens next week

Halloween is just around the corner, and this year the Skills Lab has something very special planned in honor of the season - Lab of Horrors.

Indeed, sometimes medical mistakes can have horrifying consequences. Sometimes, unanticipated events can throw students off, so extra practice dealing with the unexpected can really make a difference for student success in professional nursing.

Ready to play? Here are the rules of engagement for the Lab of Horrors:

  • Columbus Campus: Open for N204 during the day, N294 during the afternoon/evening on Monday, Oct. 24
  • Columbus Campus: Open for all Junior/Senior and SDAP students Tuesday through Wednesday, Oct. 25 and 26
  • Lancaster Campus: Open on Tuesday, Oct. 25
  • Students will be able to submit their answers. All best answers will be included in a prize drawing.
  • Five prizes to be awarded:
    • One for Columbus Campus N204
    • One for SDAP N294 Traditional
    • One for SDAP N294 Hybrid
    • One for Lancaster Campus
    • One for Columbus Campus Juniors/Seniors

Have questions or need more information? Contact Sam Steensen at

Library Update


Cristo Rey Students Return

The Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library (MCHSL) welcomes four Cristo Rey High School (CRHS) students. Maleigha, Ashley, Yarely, and Sira will work in the library for the 2022-2023 Academic Year. This will be the ninth year that MCHSL has participated as a worksite in this program. In addition to a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, CRHS partners with the local business community to provide a worksite where each student reports one day a week.

Library Details

Remember, Your library is here to help. You can connect with the library from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday by:

Use Your Library at Home

As an MCCN student, you automatically have a library account, which gives virtual access to electronic books and journals, databases, and other online resources.

Library Login Credentials are:

  • Username=Last Name
  • Password=Student ID

If you are still having trouble logging in, please contact us, or visit here.

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