Day: Monday, November 13, 2017 Time: Noon Place: Mount Carmel College Lounge Who: All are welcome And: Lunch will be served following the...

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students, If you’re like me, you are enjoying the long-awaited nip of fall in the air and great weather to enjoy...

MCCN-Lancaster will begin their annual food drive to benefit St. Vincent de Paul on Monday, November 6. Faculty and students are invited to bring in...

This article continues the exploration of thinking ahead in your upcoming career – whether you aspire to become a clinical nurse practitioner,...

The MCCN students who attended the Costa Rica Mission Trip will give a presentation about their experience on Monday, November 6, at noon in the...

Congratulations to MCCN students Taylor Longenette, Alexandria Taylor and Layne Sullivan for being elected to the Ohio Student Nurses Association...

Rho Omicron of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Honor Society of Nursing will hold its annual New Member Induction Ceremony on Thursday, November...

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