The Carmel Rapper

May 2, 2022

Message from the President

Kathleen Williamson

It almost here! Commencement is just days away and it’s a particularly exciting time for our graduating students, their families, our faculty and staff and future MCCN graduates. Let’s face it, though, it can be a little overwhelming, too. Any time in life when we come to the end of one journey and begin a new one, anxiety about the unknown can bring with it some concerns and doubts. Let me reassure you. Our graduates are ready to contribute as professional nurses on day one of new positions. We hear this consistently from employers who hire our grads. You are ready. Your skills and abilities are sought after and valued.

When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it’s time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.

—Edward Teller

And our Nightingales do fly! I have great faith that you are well-prepared to succeed, knowing that you have the knowledge and skills earned through your academic career here. You’ll probably get a lot of advice about getting off to a great start in your career. Let me just share a few, key thoughts from my experience to help you on your way.

  • Be patient with yourself. This is a big step and you are not expected to be perfect. Most experts agree that it takes a full year to be proficient and comfortable in a job.
  • Listen to your patients. They know their bodies better than you and listening can provide insight that improves their care and outcomes.
  • Ask for help when you need it. Everyone started where you are now and there is always more to learn.
  • Ask for feedback. Be receptive and grateful when offered advice or a suggestion.
  • Keep calm and carry on. Emergencies and unfamiliar situations are an everyday occurrence in health care.
  • Don’t forget to care for yourself. You can’t be at your best if you neglect your own well-being.
  • Never stop learning.

Know, too, that we are so proud of you! We hope that you will keep in touch after graduation to let us know how you are doing and if we can help you in any way. Congratulations to our soon-to-be graduates and to all of our students who have succeeded in completing this academic year strong. I look forward to celebrating the MCCN Class of 2022 on May 7!



Kathleen Williamson, PhD, MSN, RN
President & Academic Dean, Mount Carmel College of Nursing

MCCN Commencement Faculty Marshal Also Celebrating 25 Years as Alum!

Missy Mohler

Missy Mohler, MS, RN, assistant professor, will lead the MCCN faculty members into the 2022 Commencement – a group she says is “a team who passionately cares about the quality of education...” While Missy already is honored to represent her peers, this task is extra special to her because it also marks 25 years since she graduated from Mount Carmel School of Nursing! Mohler states her first goal – to be a school nurse – led her to her true passion for teaching nursing to future nurses. Says Mohler, “Each path that we take ultimately leads us to where our passion lies.” As an instructor in the RN to BSN Online Program, she loves hearing from former students about how they were able to make positive improvements in patients’ lives based on what they learned in her course. When asked about advice she would give new grads, she states, “Start with a solid foundation and then let each twist and turn along your career pathway lead you to your dream job! Never stop learning and never settle for a job where you aren’t happy and content. Life is too short! You all have unique skills, personalities, values, and knowledge that should be utilized to the best of your ability.”


SNAM Is Back!

The Student Nurses Association of Mount Carmel - Columbus (SNAM) reinvented the organization to its pre-pandemic glory this semester. The organization hosted monthly guest speakers and other events such as a bake sale and a Student Life event. The Board of Directors worked extremely hard to revive SNAM. In February, guest speaker Katie Hinkle, RN, presented a TED Talk over a STEMI case in the Emergency Department. In March, a nursing specialties panel discussed different areas of nursing through their experience. In April, guest speaker and MCCN faculty member, Steve Koczwara, BSN, RN, presented a TED Talk discussing substance use disorder. SNAM also hosted a festive bake sale on Valentine's Day, hosted its first Student Life Event for students by students, and held an online apparel fundraiser with much success. The organization’s leaders hope to continue bringing bigger and better learning experiences and opportunities for students at MCCN.

SNAM hopes to see you next semester!

Abigail Bentley, SN
SNAM President

Digi-Know: Notes from you Instructional Designer

Digi-Know Google Suite products can help you stay organized, not only if using solely an iPad, but also while working on multiple devices? Specifically, Google Calendar, Google Keep, and Google Tasks can be helpful. Calendar, just as the name suggests, helps you schedule events and meetings. Using the Google Calendar app will work best in connection with your MCCN email address and connect to others at the College. Google Keep is a product which allows you to take small notes most identifiable to sticky notes. Jot down small pieces of information, links, etc. that you need to find easily. So long to the days of sticky notes surrounding your monitor. Now they are neatly organized inside this handy app. Lastly, Google Tasks creates a to-do list that is organized by due date. Just input a title, description (if desired), and a date and allow Google to help remind you of upcoming tasks that need completed. Tasks can even be set to send you notifications of these that have upcoming deadlines. All three of these products can be downloaded from the App store on your iPad and will be accessible on the right-hand side of any web based Google Suite product such as Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Docs, and much more. If you want to learn more reach out to

Nurses March Planned for May 12, 2022

Nurses are gathering at the Ohio Statehouse on May 12, 2022, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., to elevate the voices of healthcare professionals. We need legislation in place to support safe staffing for not only healthcare professionals, but for the people for whom we care. Patient outcomes deteriorate as staff take on more patients. We are hoping to have 1,000 signatures on this to present to legislators to make this a bill which we hope will become a law. We must stand together to make a change, and getting legislation in place will be one way to help hold everyone accountable inpatient safety. For more information and to sign the petition, click here.

The contact person for this event is Ashley Latto at

Feeling ‘Blah’? You May Be Languishing

Have you not been feeling yourself, but you just aren’t sure why? Below is an explanation of ‘languishing’ by Adam Grant, who published his article, “There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing” in the April 19, 2021, edition of The New York Times. It may explain what you have been feeling and how you can take steps to feel better.

Grant talks about emotions his friends, family, and co-workers were experiencing. These symptoms weren’t typical of burnout or depression; they were feelings of joylessness and aimlessness, also called ‘languishing’. Grant says, “Languishing is a sense of stagnation and emptiness. It feels as if you’re muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield.”

One suggestion to overcome languishing is to find your flow by giving yourself uninterrupted time to increase productivity, and to focus on small goals, which will help with enthusiasm and energy.

Students: If you find yourself in need of a little extra support or just want to talk with someone, I am here for you. My office is in Marian Hall, office 1C69. You may email me at or call (614) 234-4752.

Vicki Neal, LISW-S, Student Behavioral Health Clinician

Library Update

More New Tutorials

The Library continues to improve and update tutorials. Check out all of them through the links below:

Library Accounts

If you are a student at MCCN, you already have a library account.

  • Username=Last Name
  • Password=Student ID

If you are still having trouble logging in, contact us.

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