The Carmel Rapper

March 19, 2021

Join the MCCN Student Nurses Association TODAY!


The Student Nurses Association of Mount Carmel (SNAM) is looking for great students – like you – to become members of the organization. The dues to join are just $5, but the benefits are priceless. Become an officer and add an extra boost to your resume. The application to become an officer can be found here.

SNAM will be hosting an event in April where MCHS HR members will hold a virtual conference to give interview advice, resume tips and insider information on what they are looking for in candidates. Stay tuned for more information!

National Nutrition Month: Part Two

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March is National Nutrition Month, and this is part two of two articles this month with helpful information from Pat McKnight, MS, RDN, LD, FADA, FAND, assistant professor.

One of the problem nutrients identified by the Dietary Guidelines 2020-2025 is calcium. I see this often in the dietary records of patients that students submit for assignments. People say they "don't like milk" so they omit it without adding any other source of calcium. Osteoporosis is a painful disease that can be prevented, but you have to start with children to build the bone mass and then as adults to maintain it. Adults need 2 cups of milk or equivalents and older adults need 3 cups. How are YOU doing? See the chart for calcium sources.

MCCN Included in Stay Strong for Us eBook!

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If you are looking for positivity, look no further than Stay Strong for Us: Messages for Hope, Resilience, and Courage, which is a resource for caregivers during the difficult time of the pandemic. And, you will notice a familiar name on page 220 – MCCN’s very own President and Dean, Dr. Kathleen Williamson!

Mount Carmel Outreach Featured on 60 Minutes

In case you missed it, Mount Carmel Outreach colleagues, Steve Roth and Jackie White, appeared on 60 Minutes on Sunday, March 7. The story reported on the suffering of low-wage workers due to the COVID-19 recession. Check it out here!

MCCN Safety & Security Update: Carjacking Prevention Information

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Please review this important information from the Columbus Division of Police, Community Liaison Unit and provided by MCCN Safety and Security.

MCCN Nurse Practitioner Residency Program - Online Information Session

Interested in learning more about the MCCN Nurse Practitioner Residency Program? Join online or by phone on today, March 19 at 5 p.m.

Google meet link:

Or join by phone: 318-392-3140, PIN 221 771 654#

Achievements: Congratulations Faculty and Staff

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Congratulations to Kathleen Williamson, PhD, RN; Jami Nininger, DNP, RN; Scott Dolan, PhD, RN; Todd Everett, PhD, MBA; and Mitch Joseph-Kemplin, MA, for being published in the April/June 2021 edition of Nursing Administration Quarterly. Their article, “Opportunities in Chaos: Leveraging Innovation to Create a New Reality in Nursing Education” looks at what impact the pandemic has had on nursing education.

Library Update

Library Remote Assistance

Remember, your library is here to help. You can connect with the library from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday in the following ways:

FAQ and Tutorials are Tools to Help!

It’s the middle of the night, and you can’t remember your library password, or need help starting your literature search, don’t panic! Visit these pages on our Website:

Library Accounts

All enrolled MCCN students automatically have library accounts. Your login credentials are:

  • Username = last name
  • Password = student ID

If you are still having trouble logging in, contact us.

Library staff are not permitted provide student ID numbers. Your ID number is listed on your student schedule.

Please note: The library does not have laptops to lend at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023