The Carmel Rapper
April 4, 2022
Message from the President

Spring is here and I can already feel the shift toward what can be the busiest and most stressful part of the year for you. Whether you are working on final projects, trying to get the best grades possible as you finish up a class, or preparing for graduation, the pace of life at the College picks up speed as we make our way to the end of the academic year. It can be easy to stress out and get off-track as you work to meet your deadlines and goals.
Practicing mindfulness is an excellent way to keep stress at bay, focus your attention on what you need to accomplish and improve your nursing skills too. If you’re not already familiar with mindfulness practice, here’s one definition that explains the concept well:
“Mindfulness is “awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” When being mindful, you are aware of the flow of moment-to-moment experience (your thoughts, physical sensations, and emotions) without getting caught up in automatic reactions or positive or negative judgments. It emphasizes accepting things as they are in the present moment and meeting all experiences with openness, curiosity, and compassion.”
Bernstein, Sandra MSN, RN, APRN-CS, LMFT, Being present: Mindfulness and nursing practice
There is research that proves the correlation between mindfulness and better patient outcomes, too. Developing these skills now will not only benefit you academically, but in your professional nursing practice as well. If you’d like to learn more about mindfulness and its positive impact on nurses and nursing practice, here’s a great article to read and share with your peers.
I hope you have an amazing April and practice mindfulness as you meet each challenge and task required to make this academic year a successful one.
Kathleen Williamson, PhD, MSN, RN
President & Academic Dean, Mount Carmel College of Nursing
2022 Commencement: Mark Your Calendars!
The MCCN 2022 Commencement is scheduled for Saturday, May 7, 2022, at 12 p.m. at the Celeste Center, Ohio State Expo Center and Fairgrounds. Commencement is an all-hands-on-deck event. Attendance is required for all faculty and staff members. All staff should arrive by 10:00 a.m. for volunteer orientation. Faculty and graduates should arrive by 11:00 a.m. and register their attendance by checking in at the tables located in the entryways. Parking for faculty, staff, and graduates will be free – more information will be available in the coming months. Family and guest parking will be $5.00.
Appropriate attire for all at Commencement: professional business attire under the gown (no flip-flops or sneakers). Staff volunteers are asked to wear khaki pants and a maroon MCCN t-shirt. Information on obtaining t-shirts will be sent later.
NOTE: Faculty, staff, and students are asked to leave purses, cell phones, and other personal items at home or in a safe location. There is no secure place for these items during the ceremony.
Revitalization of Franklinton and the Former MCW Hospital Property
Wondering what the future holds for the property just west of MCCN? Recently, Business First published an article outlining the plans for the former Mount Carmel West Hospital site.
Thrive Companies, a local developer, will break ground this summer to build single-family and apartment homes. Ten percent of the apartments will be held at 80% of the area median income, and another 10% will be held at 100% of the median income. Thrive has plans to build 37 single-family houses. The first two houses are part of a Land Trust, which keeps those houses affordable through future sales. There will also be a 1.7-acre public park on the site. Keep your eyes peeled for this front row seat to exciting development in our neighborhood!
April is Move More Month!
The American Heart Association created National Move More Month to encourage us to get up and move! Whether you prefer hitting the gym, playing a sport, or walking with a friend, having an active lifestyle has health benefits that improve not only physical, but also mental health. So, get up, and work towards those 10,000 steps or 20 minutes or aerobic exercise!
Digi-Know: Notes from you Instructional Designer
Digi-Know that every student, faculty, and staff member at MCCN now has free access to Notability? Notability is the #1 rated note-taking app on the Apple App Store. Not only can you type notes, but you can also handwrite/draw, add images, documents (and annotate them). To get started, go to the Self Service app on your MCCN iPad, find the Notability, and click Install. Once you are ready to begin learning how to utilize features in the app, visit Notability’s Support site to learn everything from the basic features to the more advanced options. A key to mastering content is creating good notes that support your learning style and preferences – Notability gives you the flexibility to do this effectively. Whether you want to record audio and attach it to your notes or want to import documents to write on, Notability allows this. Share your success stories with those around you, so they too can experience the full benefit of Notability at MCCN. If you have any questions, reach out to

MCCN-Lancaster Sponsors New Lexington High School Basketball Game
MCCN-Lancaster sponsored the New Lexington High School basketball game on Friday, February 11. Sophomores Kim Warren, Megan Bash, Makayla Frank, and Hannah Burnside were in attendance, along with faculty members Michele Hanson, MSN, RN, assistant professor; Kimberly Knox, MSN, RN, instructor; and Laura Ratliff, MSN, RN, instructor. The students passed out treats and information about MCCN, and Makayla entertained the crowd as our Nightingale mascot, The Mighty Night.
Library Update
Need Help? Ask a Librarian
Your Library now has a new way for you to connect with us! Complete the Need Help? Ask a Librarian form to submit your request.
Group/Class Instruction Request
Faculty, if you would like a Librarian to visit your class, in-person or virtually, complete a Group/Class Instruction Request form.
New Self-Directed Learning Format
Check out two Library tutorials in a new simplified format:
Stay tuned… more to come!
Library Accounts
If you are a student at MCCN, you already have a library account.
- Username=Last Name
- Password=Student ID
If you are still having trouble logging in, contact us.