Faculty & Staff Directory

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is privileged and proud to have one of the finest faculties and most experienced nursing education staffs in Ohio. With hundreds of years of collective experience, they bring real-world knowledge, clinical skill, and personal passion to your study of nursing and your preparation for the profession.

Browse by Name

Miriam Ruth Abbott, MA
Associate Professor/Assistant Director RN-BSN Program
Dana Beyazian, MSN, RN
Clinical Experience Coordinator
Tracey Harris, LSW, MBA
Student Services and Student Accessibility Coordinator
Keely Ingram, BSN, RN
Student Success Center, Assistant Instructor
Anna Jaso, MSN, RN
Assistant Professor/Assistant Director Ascent Program
Sarah Johnson, MS
Assistant Director of Student Financial Services
Sarah Julien-Bell
Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Caitlin Knox
Adjunct Faculty
Kimberly Knox, MSN, RN
Assistant Professor/Assistant Director Accelerated programs and Lancaster campus
Bailee Kreutz
Adjunct Faculty
Assistant Professor
Colleen Lane
Senior Executive Assistant
Nancy Lang
Adjunct Faculty
Sean T. Lansing, Ph.D.
Mission Leader - Columbus; Associate Professor
Michelle Livingston, BA
Assistant Director, Records, and Registration, Credit Transfer and Articulation
Melanie Mackey, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
FNP Program Lead, Assistant Professor
Courtney  McGuire, MS, BSN
Instructor/Assistant Director Traditional Program
Maggie Miller-Rea
Coordinator, Records & Registration
Carmella Moran, PhD, MSN, RN
Interim Dean of Nursing and Allied Health
Noreen Mulcahy, MLIS, AHIP
Lead Health Sciences Librarian - Technical Services
Mary Nibert
Adjunct Faculty
Marisa Padilla
Instructional Designer
Thelma Patrick, PhD, RN
Professor and Research & Scholarship Strategist
Cole Peterson, BA
Coordinator, Records and Registration
Stevo Roksandic, MBA, MLIS, AHIP
Regional Director of Library Services
Marlene Sampson, Ph.D, MSN-Ed, RN
Director Accelerated Programming
Samantha Schmitz, Ph.D., RN
Director Prelicensure, Ascent, and RN-BSN programs
Ken Sigler, EdD
Director, Admissions and Enrollment Management
John Smith, BS
Sr. Systems Administrator
Sandy Stevens, MA, BSEd
Student Success Advisor
Ashley Vaughn
Student Success Advisor
Steve Wetz, BA
Interim Director, Financial Aid
Madi Wojtowicz
Enrollment and Admissions Advisor

Why Choose Us


average class size


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


years of educating nurses