Congratulations to our MCCN 2017 Excellence in Nursing Awardees! The Excellence in Nursing Awards event, sponsored annually by Mount Carmel College...

The Carmel Rapper asked senior students to offer a bit of helpful advice to incoming freshmen, keeping in mind what their own first days at “the...

We are proud to report that 100 percent of our Nurse Practitioner graduates from May have passed their certification exams! The students take one of...

By Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, MBA RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP Dear Faculty, Staff and Students, “I think one’s feelings waste themselves in...

Join us for a Lunch & Learn to celebrate Constitution Day on Monday, September 11, at noon in the College Lounge. Mr. Robert McClaren, an attorney...

In October 2016, MCCN undergraduate students participated in a benchmark survey for the Changing Campus Culture Initiative as requested by the Ohio...

All undergraduate students and all new faculty and staff are required to complete one session of Active Shooter Training. Six sessions are available;...

Why Choose Us


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


years of educating nurses


of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)