Mount Carmel College of Nursing recognizes that there are times when you or your family's circumstances change unexpectedly. In cases where there has been an unforeseen change that creates a financial hardship, there is an appeals process or “Special Circumstance” review that may be requested.

In order to start the evaluation process, you will need to contact the Financial Aid Office. You will be required to complete the verification process and submit a completed “Special Circumstance” form (available through the Financial Aid Office, Special Circumstance Forms or on CARMELink). Additionally, you will need to provide any necessary, supporting documentation as requested.

Submitted information will be reviewed and you will be notified of the decision. If the appeal is approved your FAFSA will be updated and a revised award notification will be prepared within three days of MCCN's receipt of your corrected FAFSA.

*Please note that you will all receive an updated SAR (Student Aid Report) from the Department of Education reflecting any changes that were made to information on your FAFSA by MCCN.

If the appeal is denied, you will be notified and your award will not be adjusted. The decision of the Mount Carmel College of Nursing is final and may not be appealed to the Department of Education. You may request a “Special Circumstance” for additional financial resources if you have had any of the following:

  • Recent unemployment or reduction of income (not including voluntary separation or retirement)
  • Death of a parent or spouse
  • Divorce or separation
  • Extensive medical debt
  • Any other circumstances that has adversely affected your family's finances

A Special Circumstance may also be requested to adjust your Cost of Attendance. Contact Financial Services for additional information.

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