The Carmel Rapper

August 19, 2020


View Our Virtual Convocation

Our official kick-off to the new year – Convocation – is virtual this year and available on-demand at We hope you will join us in watching this video to celebrate the start of the 2020-21 academic year.

Distance Reminder

Self-Screen Before Returning to Campus

In our efforts to provide a safe and healthy college community, we have put several safety measures in place for the benefit of our faculty, staff, and students. Part of this plan is a required COVID-19 Symptom Self-Screening.

This screening is required by anyone entering the MCCN facilities for work, teaching, class, or any other reason. This form assists with ensuring a healthy ¬¬environment, and is a requirement. Failure to complete the screening could result in corrective actions being instituted. If you have questions, please contact Mitch Joseph-Kemplin, director of Compliance and Safety, at

Message from the President & Academic Dean

Kathleen Williamson

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the new academic year. Our college, like most others right now, is going to function differently this term, relying heavily on remote learning to safeguard the health and well-being of our community during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. We’ve worked hard during the spring and summer to reimagine and create a hybrid learning environment that makes the best use of technology for online learning and puts protocols in place to make in-person learning as safe as possible.

We’re staying up-to-date on the latest impacts of the pandemic and will remain flexible to further changes, based on emerging health guidance. We’ll continue to share resources and guidance with you that will help keep us all safe and healthy. Please visit often for updates and email at any time if you have questions or concerns.

In addition to the extensive adjustments to our physical learning environment, we’re also evolving our culture here at MCCN. We have a new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council to help us continue to grow and emphasize two important core values – diversity and social justice. We believe these two core values are essential to who we are and what nursing personifies. I hope you will embrace the opportunity, as I am, to bring these important values to the forefront and learn and grow together to be a model of inclusion for all.

Again, welcome Nightingales to a brand new academic year. Make it a great one!



Kathleen Williamson, PhD, MSN, RN

President & Academic Dean, Mount Carmel College of Nursing

Diversity Group

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council at MCCN

Stay tuned for more information regarding the new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council. Kim Campbell, PhD, director of Enrollment Management and Temmy Ladipo, DNP, director of Accelerated Programs are co-leading this effort with Dr. Williamson.

Welcome Our New Director of Compliance and Safety

Mitch Joseph-Kemplin

Welcome our new director of Compliance and Safety, Mitch Joseph-Kemplin, MA. We asked Mitch a few questions to get to know him a little better.

In today’s higher education environment why is your position and the Office of Compliance and Safety key to student success? There are rapidly evolving changes happening to higher education at a state and federal level that require compliance to new regulations and laws. That's just one place where I can come in. The other is my focus on student success. Compliance is not just rules and legal - it's making sure that students have tools to be successful, whether that's through our student code of conduct, misconduct resolution process, or our newly developing Care Team.

What will help make you successful at your position? I have over 10 years of experience in higher education, primarily focused in student affairs at small, private colleges in Ohio. I've worked closely with students, faculty, and staff in those roles in collaboration to facilitate a successful college environment.

What is the best way to reach you? The best way to reach me is through email (

Where is your office located? I am currently located on the 4th Floor of the Medical Staff Building (MSB).

Favorite words, quotes or advice you live by: Have fun and choose your attitude. The fun part is evident if someone comes to my office - they'll see the dozens of toys and trinkets that I've collected throughout the years!

What are your credentials? I have a Master of Arts with a focus in higher education from Bowling Green State University and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Urbana University.

What else should we know about you? I'm excited to be here, working in an area that merges a lot of my background. Both my parents are in the health care field (dad is a nurse anesthetist and mom was a respiratory therapist and recently taught nursing classes), so it's exciting to be back in a health care setting!

New Chair of Faculty Senate

Joy Voorhees, BS, DVM

Congratulations to the new Chair of the Faculty Senate, Joy Vorhees, DVM, associate professor. Dr. Voorhees is looking forward to serving as the faculty voice this Academic Year and has this to say about the importance of her new role: “An important role of the faculty chair is to represent the voice of the faculty in the shared academic governance of the college, as well as relaying pertinent information between the faculty and the college administration and the board of trustees.”

Residence Halls closed for Fall 2020 semester

Due to the current pandemic, and to ensure the safety of our students, the Residence Halls will remain closed for the Fall 2020 Semester. Students, there is a Facebook group where you can connect with other students looking for housing. We apologize for any inconvenience.

MCCN Safety and Security Update: Work/Study Safely from Home

Please see the attachment from the National Crime Prevention Council on how to work/study safely from home. This document was provided by David Byers, Department of Safety & Security.

Library Update

The Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library welcomes new and returning students! Your Library is here for you virtually.

Remote assistance is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday in the following ways:

Library Accounts

All enrolled MCCN students automatically have Library accounts. Your login credentials are:

  • Username = last name
  • Password = student ID

Library staff are not permitted provide student ID numbers. Your ID number is listed on your student schedule.

Self-Directed Learning Tutorials

Check out the Library’s Self-Directed Learning tutorials. These are provided to assist you with searching for full text articles, conducting literature searches, learning about copyright and creating a RefWorks account. Find them all at

Why Choose Us


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


student-to-faculty ratio


years of educating nurses