On Friday, Feb. 2, 70 Second Degree Accelerated Program students graduated with their Bachelor of Science in Nursing. They represent the 11th cohort...

Greetings! February is an exciting month at MCCN! It was thrilling to witness and participate in the Second Degree Accelerated Program...

MCCN would like to welcome the new Student Behavioral Health Counselor, Rachel Weaver, MSW, LISW-S, LICDC-CS, DBTC. Rachel is located in Angela Hall...

Please join us in welcoming Thomas Newton to MCCN. Thomas is the new Executive Assistant to the President - Dr. Ann Marie T. Brooks. Thomas joins us...

This article continues the exploration of thinking ahead in your upcoming career, perhaps taking your education to an even higher level by earning a...

MCCN recently received a nice surprise in the mail – thank you letters from students at Avondale Elementary School! In December, MCCN faculty,...

Student feedback at Mount Carmel College of Nursing is always important and I thank you for weighing in on our current ATI policy. We heard you and as...

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