Choose Ohio First

Choose Ohio First is an initiative promoted and administered by the Ohio Department of Higher Education to bolster support for the next generation of Ohio science (including nursing and health professions), technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) scholars and industry leaders.

The program provides scholarships to students through Ohio’s two-year and four-year public and independent colleges and universities. Participating colleges and universities and their business partners recruit, retain, and help connect students to work-based learning experiences and careers in STEM fields. Scholarships are available to students desiring a certificate, associate degree, baccalaureate degree, or graduate degree in eligible STEM and STEM teaching fields.

The Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program is designed to strengthen Ohio’s competitiveness within STEM disciplines and STEM teaching. These innovative academic programs and industry partnerships equip students to succeed in Ohio and are part of a strategic effort to bolster Ohio’s economic strength.

Who Can Apply?

To be considered you must:

  • Entering first-year student enrolling full-time in MCCN’s programs.
  • Have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Be an Ohio and United States resident and graduated from an Ohio high school.
  • Complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at
  • Apply for admission and be admitted to MCCN.
  • Preference given to First Generation students and students from an underrepresented nursing population

General Program Requirements

  • Maintain full-time status
  • Participate in required cohort activities (i.e.- meetings, poster sessions, etc.)
  • Engage in student success and co-curricular programs throughout the college
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Make progress toward a degree

How Do I Apply?

Application information will be released annually by the Financial Aid office to all entering new students

More Information

For more info, email or visit the Ohio Department of Higher Education at

Why Choose Us


average class size


years of educating nurses


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023