The safety and well-being of our students is always our top priority and we work hard to maintain a safe and secure environment for living and studying on both campuses.

Safety and Security officers are available for student escort after hours at MCCN campuses and through each clinical site hospital’s Safety and Security offices.

To reach MCCN Safety and Security, call:

Columbus (Franklinton): 614-896-1489

Lancaster: 740-687-8124 (Fairfield Medical Center Police)

In the event of an emergency, dial 911

Safety Tips

Members of the College community at both the MCCN main and FMC campuses are encouraged to assume responsibility for their own personal safety, and security of personal belongings, by taking the following simple, common sense precautions.

  • Although both campuses are well lighted, do not walk alone after dark.
  • Keep purses/billfolds and other valuables with you or stored in a campus locker.
  • Do not record your address on your key ring.
  • Do not provide personal identifying information over the phone.
  • If living on main campus:
  • Lock your door and alarm the security system when you leave the apartments at MCCN campus.
  • Take your key with you when you leave the apartment.
  • Do not loan your key to anyone.
  • Do not prop doors open.
  • Report any potential fire hazards or broken equipment to the MCF Safety & Security.

Emergency Notification System

The College maintains multiple systems for alerting the College community about campus emergencies and will use some or all of those systems, depending on the circumstances. The College provides emergency notification services to the College community via cell phone text messages and email. These notices may also be posted to the College website and social media. MCCN Rave Alert System is available to all students, faculty, and staff. All faculty, staff, and student emails and phone numbers are automatically registered in the system. Participants may opt-out of receiving alerts by contacting the Director of Compliance and Safety.

Emergency messaging will primarily be used only for those situations that pose an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees on campus or for the closing of an entire campus or cancellation of classes.

Annual Campus Safety and Fire Report

The Clery Act is a federal law that promotes campus safety by ensuring that students, employees, parents and the community are well-informed about public safety and crime prevention matters at colleges and universities.

By October 1 of each year, colleges and universities must submit a summary of required information which includes the past three calendar years of campus crime statistics in specified crime categories, fire safety data and certain safety policy statements.

The institution must make this report available to the campus community including current and prospective students and families, faculty and staff.

View MCCN’s most recent Clery Report

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