The Carmel Rapper
June 2, 2022: Special Edition
Your examples shine!
This special edition of the Carmel Rapper is devoted to the extraordinary faculty and staff members who were recognized with awards at the 2022 Commencement.
“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.”
Douglas Adams
Each day, you all set a shining example for our students and your colleagues. MCCN is grateful for your service, your devotion to nursing education, and your consistent demonstration of our shared values in and outside the classroom.
Thank you for all you do!
Congratulations to the end of the year award winners!

Faculty/Staff Espy Humanitarian Award: Shirley Cooley, PhD, RN, CNE, C-EFM
This colleague demonstrates outstanding participation and leadership in promoting community service and a commitment to equity and diversity within the College and the community.
Dr. Cooley’s nominator had this to say:
“Dr. Cooley is always there for students who may be struggling in one way or another. She embodies diversity and respect to staff and students. Students feel comfortable going to her when they need to for academic support, or just support in general.”

Ann E. Schiele Distinguished Faculty Award: Hannah O’Handley, MSN, RN, CPNP
Nominees demonstrated a comprehensive and sustained record of academic and scholarly excellence, earned the respect of students and colleagues for their devotion to and skill in teaching, and will be faculty whose instruction is linked to and informed by their research and creative activities. The selected award recipient will be responsible for sharing their work at various venues as a requirement and the funding would be used to support their work and dissemination of their work. This award is a special and impactful way to continue Dr. Schiele’s legacy of teaching, leadership, and advocacy for faculty and to recognize a faculty member on an annual basis.
Hannah’s nominators had this to say:
“Over time, Professor O’Handley has repeatedly demonstrated care and advocacy for her students, clinical faculty and colleagues. She listens to their needs and concerns and applies innovative teaching, learning, and leadership strategies to support best outcomes. Collaborating with faculty she continues to participate in scholarly research, determining evidence-based best practices for education and nursing practice.”
“Professor O’Handley has always built in service to the college and community. She has built service into her N407 course by including volunteer days at the Ronald McDonald house with students to support the siblings of patients staying there. Hannah has participated in many mission trips in the past. She has also gone above and beyond her workload at times to try new programs to help improve student experience in the classroom such as volunteering to try a simulation software to bring a more realistic community experience to the classroom.”
“Professor O’Handley is a leader among faculty because when she identifies work that is important and that matters to students’ success, she is first to perform the necessary activities to accomplish the task. Then she brings her colleagues along. She is a wonderful mentor to staff, not only in her course, but to anyone who reaches out to her. Professor Hannah O’Handley leads by being an amazing example of what to do and about what matters.”

Academic Excellence Award: Christina Padrutt, DNP, MS, APRN, AGPCNP-C
Celebrates an individual who embodies excellence in and out of the classroom and clinical setting. The colleague provides the highest quality work and acts in a professional manner while in the College of Nursing and in all activities, functions, and clinical sites associated with the College and the profession of nursing.
Dr. Padrutt’s nominators had this to say:
“Dr. Padrutt is a poised, thoughtful educator with a deep passion for her students and colleagues.”
“Dr. Padrutt frequently partners with her colleagues to examine and translate evidence-based practice into the classroom setting to provide the best experience for her students.”
Respect Award: Hannah O’Handley, MSN, RN, CPNP
This colleague strives to create a safe, respectful, and supportive atmosphere for teaching and learning. They communicate with peers, students, health system colleagues, and external partners in a professional and respectful manner.
Professor O’Handley’s nominators had this to say:
“Hannah embodies the essence of respect. She advocates for all faculty, staff, and students to create a supportive environment in which all are treated in fairness and given the equal opportunity to grow in a positive environment for teaching and learning.”
“This year Hannah has secured funding for a grant to incorporate virtual simulation in the Caring Health Perspectives for Community Nursing. Hannah has worked tirelessly with representatives from Sentinel City and faculty from MCCN to ensure students received detailed case studies and directions to work in the virtual environment.”

Compassion Award: Vicki Neal, BA, MSW, LISW-S
The Compassion Award is presented to a colleague who has a commitment to the attributes of compassion, empathy, altruism, responsibility, and tolerance. They demonstrate caring behaviors at all times and respect individual diversity through a non-judgmental attitude and approach. Additionally, this person is a creative problem solver who demonstrates reliability throughout their work at the College.
Vicky’s nominators had this to say:
“Vicki has been an incredible force of stability and compassion for students and colleagues throughout several challenging years. She advocates for students and colleagues alike through her service on the DEI Council, attending to the needs of all despite a very demanding workload.”
Vicki is one of our most valuable resources for both students and colleagues.”

Social Responsibility Award: Lindsay Luther, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
This award is presented to a colleague who contributes to sustainable development of the College and its community, including health and the welfare of society at large, the College and all MCCN stakeholders. This individual works to advocate against discrimination, harassment, retaliation, disrespect, or bullying of students and peers; and works to ensure fairness and equity of all.
Dr. Luther’s nominees had this to say:
“She has a gentle, engaging way of reminding us that context is important in understanding others. Her approach can change negative momentum on any subject…”
“She demonstrates extraordinary compassion and intellectual curiosity when collaborating with colleagues, leading initiatives, and guiding her students. Her commitment to her students’ wellbeing and the MCCN community is breathtaking.”

Diversity Award: Maggie Miller-Rea
This colleague commits themselves to creating a culture and climate of inclusion that welcomes and celebrates diversity. This individual serves as a positive role model for all students and colleagues related to work in the area of diversity.
Maggie’s nominators had this to say:
“Maggie is generous to all, and is always inclusive of all students, faculty, and staff. She is a role model of celebrating people for who they are.”
“Maggie is such a warm person in her interactions with students, shares humor, and makes everyone feel valued regardless of who they are or what kind of help they need.”