The Carmel Rapper

September 7, 2021

Message from the President

Kathleen Williamson

September is here and we have successfully begun a new academic year at MCCN. As the uncertainties of the ongoing pandemic are still impacting our lives, having students on campus again brings us closer to the “normal” we’re accustomed to, and gives us renewed purpose and hope for great experiences, new relationships and many accomplishments.

My thanks goes to all of the student leaders, faculty and staff who welcomed our Nightingales back and are getting all of us off to a great start. And my congratulations to the faculty members who have earned and received promotions and awards, too! (See the full list of those in the article below.) Our faculty and staff are two of the factors that set us apart from other nursing colleges. Their experience and commitment to student success is unrivaled and they inspire me every day, as I hope they do you.

This month also begins the transition from summer to fall, from pool parties to football games and bonfires. There are two important anniversaries coming up, too, in the next week or so. The 118th anniversary of the founding of the Mount Carmel School of Nursing occurs on September 15. And on September 11, 20 years will have passed since the 9/11 attacks on our country. We’re sharing resources so you can learn more about 9/11 in an article below. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to read it and find a way to honor the many lives lost on that day. With this important remembrance just a few days away, and given events that occurred during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan over the last few weeks, I hope you’ll join me in praying for peace throughout the world.


Kathleen Williamson, PhD, MSN, RN
President & Academic Dean, Mount Carmel College of Nursing

Remembering 9/11

9/11 — Remembering that tragic day 20 years ago

A somber anniversary looms. September 11, 2021, will mark the passage of 20 years since hijacked aircraft were used to attack targets in New York and Washington, D.C. The impact of those airplanes – two that were flown into the World Trade towers in New York, one that crashed into the Pentagon and a fourth that was downed in a Pennsylvania field – has reverberated throughout the world, reshaping foreign policy, homeland security, and disaster preparedness for the United States and other countries across the globe.

More than 3,000 Americans died on that bright, sunny September morning. For those who witnessed the attack, memories are profound and heartbreaking. For those too young to remember the events of that day, the annual observance can bring some perspective and understanding of what transpired. If you would like to learn more about 9/11, the College has arranged free access to a webinar created by the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Here are the details.

  • On-demand program commemorating the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
  • View a film highlighting first-person accounts of the attacks and their aftermath and connect with Museum staff in real-time through an interactive live chat. The 35-minute program will be available on demand Friday, September 10, and Saturday, September 11, 2021.
  • Speakers will include:
    • Bill Spade, a retired FDNY firefighter who responded to the World Trade Center on 9/11 and his son, John Spade, a graduate of the 9/11 Museum Ambassador program and Museum volunteer.
    • Carlton Shelley II, a West Point graduate who was a student in the elementary school where President George W. Bush was told about the 9/11 attacks.
    • Will Jimeno, a retired Port Authority police officer who was rescued from the debris pile hours after surviving the collapse of the Twin Towers.
    • Brielle Saracini and Cait Leavey, whose fathers were both killed on 9/11 and who became lifelong friends while volunteering with an organization dedicated to supporting those who lost loved ones on September 11.

Starting now, you can preview the full program at

In the aftermath of the attacks, nurses cared for the injured and for the first responders who works for months at Ground Zero in New York to recover victims. Stories of those who helped in this disastrous time are available here.

Twelve nurses were killed in the 9/11 attacks 20 years ago. Please honor their memories and pray for peace for their loved ones on this important anniversary:

  • Jean Hoadly Peterson, 55, retired nurse, nursing instructor, volunteer EMT, and passenger aboard United Airlines Flight 93
  • Touri Bolourchi, 69, retired nurse, passenger aboard United Airlines Flight 175
  • Lydia Bravo, 50, occupational health nurse at Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.
  • Ronald Bucca, 47, fire marshal, New York City Fire Department
  • Greg Buck, 37, firefighter, New York City Fire Department, Engine Company 201
  • Christine Egan, 55, community health nurse visiting from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
  • Carol Flyzik, 40, medical software marketing manager, passenger aboard American Airlines Flight 11
  • Debra Lynn Fischer Gibbon, 43, senior vice president at Aon Corporation
  • Geoffrey Guja, 47, lieutenant, New York City Fire Department, Battalion 43
  • Stephen Huczko, 44, police officer, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department
  • Kathy Mazza, 46, captain, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department, and commanding officer, Port Authority Police Training Academy
  • Michael Mullan, 34, firefighter, New York City Fire Department, Ladder Company 12

If you are moved to commemorate this day, here are some ideas for ways to pay tribute to the occasion.


Faculty and Staff Promotions and Accomplishments

We are so appreciative of our faculty and the resilience they have shown – and continue to show – through these trying times. Below is a list of accomplishments to celebrate:

  • Samantha Schmitz, MSN. RN, promoted to Assistant Professor
  • Cora Arledge, MS, BSEd, RN, promoted to Assistant Professor
  • Missy Mohler, MS, RN, promoted to Associate Professor
  • Michelle Hanson, MSN, RN, promoted to Associate Professor
  • Thelma Patrick, PhD, RN, promoted to Professor and now serves as the Research and Scholarship Strategist
  • Margaret Stinner, MS, RN, granted Emeritus status
  • Lori Hill, MSN, RN, CNP, was awarded the Ann E. Schiele Distinguished Faculty Award at the 2021 Commencement. This award is presented to a faculty member for their leadership, scholarship, and innovation as a special and impactful way to continue Dr. Schiele’s legacy of teaching, leadership and advocacy for faculty.
  • Mitch Joseph-Kemplin was chosen to be a part of the Chancellor’s Task Force on Hazing and Prevention. Mitch, along with other higher education leaders in Ohio, will help enact Ohio’s “Collin’s Law” regarding hazing policies and prevention at all colleges in Ohio.

Congratulations to these MCCN faculty and staff members!

If you have an accomplishment you’d like to share in the next edition of the Carmel Rapper, please send it to


MCCN Celebrates 118 Years!

Happy Birthday to Mount Carmel School of Nursing. Wednesday, September 15 marks 118 years since the founding of Mount Carmel School of Nursing by the Sisters of the Holy Cross. In 1990, the school transitioned into a baccalaureate, Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree-granting institution of higher learning, making it Mount Carmel College of Nursing.


National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week

This week, Sept. 5 – 11, recognizes National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week with the theme Together, We Can Help #StopSuicide. As we navigate a time in which many have experienced fear, loss, anxiety and uncertainty due to COVID-19, it’s more important than ever that people understand they are not alone and take deliberate intentional steps to care for their mental health. MCCN, along with other organizations, will be hosting a number of events this week to raise awareness around suicide prevention and self-care. Take a look at the events listed below:

  • Wednesday, September 8: Check in with a Friend Day to see how they are doing and to share how you are doing
  • Thursday, September 9: Google Chat with MCCN Student Behavioral Health Clinician Vicki Neal and Accommodations Coordinator Tracey Harris at 1 p.m. OR complete a survey for those unable to attend. Participants in the chat (must attend entire session) and who fill out the survey will be entered into a drawing to win a surprise!
  • Friday, September 10: Join the World Suicide Prevention Day Facebook Live event from 12 p.m. – 8 p.m. hosted by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and receive “Simple actions you can take to help prevent suicide.” You do not have to join for the entire time, just pop in whenever you can.

Download the September Self-Care Calendar by clicking here.

Amber Budd, BSN, APRN, PMHNP, RN

Mental Health Minute

Let us all take a moment to engage in a mindfulness activity for our Mental Health Minute from MCCN Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Program Faculty Member Amber Budd, MSN, APRN, PMHNP.

If you experience anxiety, this exercise is for you. Did you know when you are anxious, you tend to breathe shallower and more rapid? A simple mindful activity that can reset our fight or flight response is deep breathing. Deep breathing can send a message to our brain to calm the body. It only takes a few minutes, give it a try!

  1. Breathe slowly (through your nose if able), counting at least 5 seconds, filling your lungs.
  2. Hold that breath for 4-6 seconds.
  3. Breathe out very slowly for 5-10 seconds, through your mouth with pursed lips.
  4. Repeat this breathing strategy until you feel less anxious.

Digi-Know: Notes from you Instructional Designer

Digi-Know Anatomage tables have case studies? Wait! What are Anatomage tables? They are fully touch-based digital cadavers. Using the power of high-resolution imaging, the cadavers can be fully dissected and much more. These cadavers can be viewed life-size, but also can be zoomed in or out, providing a different perspective. Beyond labeling and identifying parts on the cadavers, there are also additional case students. Searching through image categories shows additional scans, particularly those patients diagnosed with certain diseases/disorders. Full information is provided in the description of each case. Check out the Faculty Resource Center for more information on Anatomage tables, including training and table scheduling links.

Nursing Leadership - Clinical Operations (NLCO) Update

The Nursing Leadership - Clinical Operations (NLCO) all-new online program is accepting its second cohort of graduate students this Fall Semester. We have orientation for students on Tuesday, August 31, to discuss the program and clinical expectations. Joan S. Modelewski Brammer, DNP, MN, RN, NPD-BC and Alicia Philip, MS, APRN, FNP-C – both with extensive leadership and management experience – have joined our NLCO teaching team. Click here for more information about the program.

Enrollment Open for Graduate and Post-Graduate Programs

Enrollment for Spring Semester is now open for the MCCN Family Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Leadership-Clinical Operations, and Doctor of Nursing Practice programs. All programs are 18 months in length and courses are online with scheduled immersions. Students take no more than two classes at one time. Please feel free to email for more information or check out the website here. Apply to join the MCCN Graduate and DNP family today!

Save the Date: Evidence Based Practice (EVP) Immersion

Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to save the following dates for the EBP Immersions. Both immersions will be virtual. More details to follow.

  • January 31 – February 4
  • June 6 – 10

Meet the MCCN Safety & Security Desk Officers

Dave Will

Stop by the Security Desk and say hello to our Safety & Security Officers. Dave Byers has been with MCHS Safety & Security for 15 years with a background in law enforcement and security. Will Molton is retired military and has been with MCHS Safety & Security for more than 14 years.


Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Begins Immersion

MCCN’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students started their second Immersion (virtually) of the program where they will take a deeper look at how to implement their Evidence-Based Project and how to disseminate their results. Pictured is Dr. Lou Ann Hartley introducing the Immersion. Students will begin work with a DNP Project member (DNP faculty member) that guides and supports them in the development, implementation, and dissemination of their project.

Spring enrollment (January start) is now open for the next DNP cohort. Reach out to for more information!


Library Update

Welcome Cristo Rey Students

The Library welcomes four new Cristo Rey High School students: Ashley Angeles Gil, Rute Admasu, Kirsty Agyekum and Beatriz Vasquez. Each will spend one day a week at the Library assisting at the circulation desk, answering phones and learning about working in a professional environment. It is all part of Cristo Rey's unique program where every student has a work-study position. Please stop by and welcome these students to the Library Team.

Library Details

Remember, your library is here to help. You can connect with the library from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday by:

Use Your Library at Home

As an MCCN student, you automatically have a library account, which gives virtual access to electronic books and journals, databases, and other online resources.

Library login credentials are:

  • Username=Last Name
  • Password=Student ID

If you are still having trouble logging in, please contact us, or visit

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