Mount Carmel Foundation Scholarship Opportunities for MCCN Students
Through the generous support of donors, the Mount Carmel Foundation is privileged to offer numerous scholarship opportunities to MCCN students.These scholarships are donor directed gifts and awarded through an annual application process. These awards are intended to provide supplemental funding to Mount Carmel College of Nursing Students.
Students will be notified each year (primarily through Nightingmail) when the Scholarship link will be available and instructions for application. All returning students are encouraged to apply. The link will only remain available for a limited time as indicated in the annual email notification.
Scholarship recipients will be selected by the Scholarship Committee and will be notified of award through a revised award notification. An annual dinner for donors and recipients is held in the spring and recipients will receive additional information on this event from MCCN.
Award amounts may vary from year to year depending on current donations and/or market fluctuations.
Listed below are the scholarships that currently enrolled students will be able to apply for during the Scholarship Application period in March of each year.
- SDAP Scholarship Availability
- RN/BSN Scholarship Availability
- Rising Sophomore Scholarship Availability
- Rising Junior Scholarship Availability
- Rising Senior Scholarship Availability
- Graduate Scholarship Availability
Outside/Non-MCCN Scholarships
Many scholarships and grants are offered by private sources, such as fraternal and religious organizations, labor unions, professional associations, social groups, and ethnic associations.
Because they are private and therefore not administered by MCCN, it is up to you to research and apply for them on your own. The best place to start your research is with any organization you or a family member has an affiliation with (such as your or your parents' employer, church or religious organization). If you're a current high school student, you should contact your guidance office for information on local scholarships.
Much of your research will involve using the internet. It is important to be careful when reviewing information online. MCCN recommends that you do not use any fee-based service to look for private scholarships. Below are a few scholarship search engines that are free:
Report Your Private Funding
Any outside funding you receive must be taken into account when your eligibility is determined for need-based financial aid. If you have been offered funding from a source outside the college, you must submit all information to MCCN Financial Services. Outside funding you are receiving may result in a change to your eligibility for the financial offered by MCCN.