1. What is the DNP?

The DNP or Doctor of Nursing Practice degree is a terminal degree for nurses that represents the highest level of academic preparation for clinical nursing practice.

2. How will the program enhance my career?

The dynamic and complex nature of health care calls for nursing and academic nursing leaders who can design and implement innovative and evidence-based models of interprofessional care and education to influence outcomes; driving quality, safety, equity and efficiency in health care. Knowledge and competencies gained through the program of study will prepare graduates as experts in clinical and leadership practice preparing them to drive evidence-based practice and evidence-based policy development. As such, the competencies gained in evidence-based practice, leadership, innovation, change management, and systems and organizational thinking will position graduates to transform nursing practice and health care through nursing leadership and practice influences within a variety of complex systems.

This degree will differentiate you from others because you will have the knowledge and skills to manage change and meet the challenges in health care using innovative strategies and data-driven processes.

3. How long will the program take to complete?

The cohort focused program is designed to be completed in 18 months (5 semesters).

4. What is the DNP project and can I do something in my work role to fulfill the DNP project?

The DNP project focuses on an evidence-based change that impacts health care outcomes either through direct or indirect care (AACN, 2015). The project development and implementation model for the program allows learners to complete the DNP project in their place of employment.

5. How much will the program cost?

Click here for total program costs.

6. Are there any types of scholarships available?

Click here for scholarship opportunities.

7. How will I be able to accomplish the course assignments and still maintain my job?

Time management is the key to success. The DNP program is designed with working professionals in mind. Course schedules, project development and practice hour completion are addressed through an integrative approach to facilitate balance in the pursuit of doctoral education.

8. What does a program immersion mean?

We know that a great start for any educational program is important for successful transition and understanding of expectations. We have planned that our DNP students will attend an onsite immersion program two times during the program of study. The two immersions are held in Columbus, Ohio, on the MCCN campus during semesters 1 and 2 of the program. Each onsite immersion is 4 to 5 days in length. A third 2-day virtual immersion is required during semester four of the program. The immersion experiences provide learners with the opportunity to engage in content and hands-on learning while also interacting and networking with peers, faculty and invited experts. Attendance at the immersions is mandatory. Dates are available at the time of enrollment to facilitate planning and we take care of accommodations!

9. How much time should I plan to spend every week on the program?

It will vary depending on the semester but one should plan on spending approximately 20-25 hours per week engaging in course work related to the program.

10. What types of resources will be available to help me with my progression through the program?

There are many types of resources available including:

  • Academic: library and library staff, faculty advisement, Academic Resource Center for writing assistance and the graduate program advisor
  • Operational resources: online coaching, peer support and a variety of student support services.

11. What does part-time mean? What does full-time mean?

MCCN’s DNP curriculum allows you to take three courses each semester. However, curricular structures ensure that you are only taking two courses concurrently. Therefore, students meet full-time eligibility for financial aid but appreciate balance in pursuing advanced education while continuing in employment.

12. How will I work with my advisor?

The graduate program advisor is available to assist you throughout your DNP education journey. Students can contact and communicate with the advisor in a variety of ways, ensuring access to the information and resources you need to be successful in the program.

Each student will also have a faculty mentor and project chair who will be available for academic coaching as needed and guidance throughout students’ DNP project development and implementation.

13. Why did the program need to be revised – it only started in 2015?

Continuous quality improvement: Our mission and vision at MCCN convey our commitment to the process of continuous quality improvement; ensuring academic excellence and exceptional student experiences. Therefore, we have utilized information from students, graduates, employers and the community to ensure that, through ongoing program refinement, the DNP program equips graduates to stand apart as innovative leaders and experts in practice and health care.

14. What is the value of obtaining a certificate of added qualification in evidence-based practice (EBP-C)?

Health care requires data-based decision making and this certification validates your level of competence in the process. Building in this certification process to your degree adds special value to your skill set as a nurse leader in whatever role or setting you chose to practice following graduation. The EBP-C demonstrates expertise in making evidence-based decisions that improve health care outcomes.

15. What are the admission criteria?

  • The DNP Executive Health Care Leadership elective specialization is the right choice if you want to be an innovative leader utilizing transformative practices to improve care outcomes within health care organizations. To be eligible, you must hold a master’s degree in nursing or other healthcare related field, while also holding a bachelor of science in nursing. A national-level advanced nursing certification is preferred, but is not required.
  • The DNP Clinical Practice Leadership elective specialization is right for you if you want to be a leader and expert in patient care practices. To be eligible, you must hold a master’s degree in nursing and a national-level advanced practice nursing certification.
  • The DNP Executive Academic Leadership elective specialization is the right choice if you want to be an innovative leader utilizing transformative practices to impact academic nursing; inspiring and preparing future generations to meet the challenges of health care that drive health care safety, quality and desired patient and organizational outcomes. To be eligible, you must hold a master’s degree in nursing. A national-level advanced nursing certification is preferred, but is not required.

Click here for a full list of admission requirements.

16. Is the GRE required for admission?

No. The GRE is not required for admission to the MCCN DNP program.

17. I do not live in Ohio, can I attend the program?

Yes. In order to be compliant with federal and state laws related to online education and consumer protection and State professional licensure/certification regulations, MCCN may not be able to offer online programs to students residing in certain states. Additionally, some states have regulations that could affect a program of study, including inability to offer clinical practicum courses. Because these regulations undergo continuous updates the following is recommended:

(1) Non-Ohio residents interested in pursuing an online nursing program are advised to consult with their state licensing/certification agency and MCCN’s information relating to state authorization before applying.

(2) Any student planning to move or practice in a different state after being admitted to the DNP program must immediately inform the graduate advisor and the Records and Registration department. It is also recommended that the student contact the state licensing/certification agency in the new state to identify any potential impact on the ability to remain in the program of study.

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