Mount Carmel College of Nursing is respectful of students’ rights and responsibilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) as amended by the ADA Amendment Act of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Student Accessibility Service's goal is to provide students with disabilities equal access to MCCN's academic programs by providing reasonable accommodations.


The purpose of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is to adhere to federal and state disability laws while providing students with reasonable accommodations campus wide.

SAS is committed to:

  • Advancing Mount Carmel’s core value of honoring the sacredness and dignity of every person.
  • Educating the Mount Carmel College of Nursing community about current disability rights in the post-secondary environment.
  • Working with faculty and staff to ensure that all reasonable accommodations are implemented.


Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

How to Register for Student Accessibility Services

Step 1: Submit Documentation

To begin the accommodations process all students must submit 2 forms, a Request for Accommodations Form (RAF) and a Healthcare Provider Form (HPF):

  • The RAF must be submitted to Student Accessibility Services. Please see contact information below:

    Student Accessibility Services
    Attn: Accommodations Coordinator
    Mount Carmel College of Nursing
    127 S. Davis Ave.
    Columbus, OH 43222

    Phone: 614.234.4393
    Fax: 614.234.2875

  • The student must submit the HPF to their healthcare provider. Once the healthcare provider has completed the form they can send the document directly to Student Accessibility Services.

    Note: Printed copies of the RAF and HPF are available in the Student Accessibility Services office located in Marian Hall, room 2C17.

  • If you had an IEP or 504 plan in high school, that can be submitted in lieu of the Healthcare Provider form (HPF).

Step 2: Schedule an Intake Appointment

After the Accommodations Coordinator receives both the RAF and HPF the Coordinator will contact the student via email within 3 business days to schedule an intake appointment.

Step 3: Attend the Intake Appointment

During a student’s intake appointment:

  • The Coordinator will review the student’s RAF
  • The student can submit any outstanding documentation such as:
    • An HPF
    • Additional medical documentation
    • High School IEP/504 Plan
  • The Coordinator can answer any questions the student may have about their accommodations

Step 4: Check your Mount Carmel School of Nursing Email (Nightingmail)

Once the intake appointment is complete the student should check their Nightingmail for their Approved Accommodations form. Remember, if the Coordinator needs to contact a student, email will be the first line of communication.

If you have any questions about Student Accessibility Services please send an email to or stop by room 1C68 in Marian Hall.

1: What is Student Accessibility Services?

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is committed to serving qualified students with academic and/or non-academic disabilities in its programs and services; Student Accessibility Services provides this service to MCCN students.

2: How long does it take after the Request for Accommodations Form (RAF) and Healthcare Provider Form (HPF) are submitted for student’s accommodations to be approved?

After the Accommodations Coordinator receives both the RAF and HPF the Coordinator will contact the student via email within 3 business days to schedule an intake appointment.

After the intake appointment is complete and the student has received a signed Approved Accommodations Form then the accommodations can begin.

3: How long are a student’s accommodations good for?

Approved Accommodations are good for 1 year. Temporary Approved Accommodations are valid for 30-90 days.

1 week before the accommodation has expired the Accommodations Coordinator will contact the student to schedule a time to meet and renew their accommodations.

4: Why is a student issued a temporary accommodation?

There is not one reason why a temporary accommodation is issued because accommodations are handled on a case-by-case basis.

However, a common reason that temporary accommodations are issued is because the Accommodations Coordinator is waiting for the receipt of supporting medical documentation. Please note that according to the 2008 amendments to the ADA act the primary form of documentation of a student’s disability is self-report. Self-report is defined as information the student provides regarding how he or she may be “limited by [an] impairment.”

5: Can a faculty member refer a student to Student Accessibility Services if they believe they need an accommodation?

No, Student Accessibility Services does not suggest that faculty members refer students for accommodations. Current interpretations of disability laws forbid unnecessary inquiry into the existence of a disability. Additionally, this inquiry could be viewed by the student as insensitive and intrusive.

SAS recommends that faculty make a verbal statement about SAS to the entire class so the students are aware that this option is available.

If a student identifies themselves as having a disability or feels that they may have a disability, the faculty member may refer the student to Student Accessibility Services at this point.

6: If I am having trouble supporting an accommodations request, who should I contact?

First, the faculty member should try to work with the student to implement the accommodations. If the faculty member does not feel comfortable working with the student, then they may contact the Accommodations Coordinator.

7: How do I know if an accommodation is reasonable?

The Accommodations Coordinator determines what a reasonable accommodation is according to a student’s intake appointment, healthcare provider form, and applicable law. If a faculty member feels the accommodation is not reasonable they may contact the Accommodations Coordinator via email at In your email please include the name of the student and your course number.

Once the Accommodations Coordinator receives your email she will reach out to you schedule an appointment.

8: Where can I find more information about Student Accessibility Services?

For additional information faculty members should log into CARMELink and follow this path:

Faculty and Staff > Student Accessibility Services

Also, faculty members can follow this link to join the SAS canvas course.

9: Who is responsible for informing faculty about approved accommodations through Student Accessibility Services?

The student must tell each faculty member that they are receiving accommodations through SAS. Once the student has self-identified, the faculty member and the student can begin to implement the approved accommodations.

10: How is it determined if the healthcare provider is qualified to suggest an accommodation treatment plan?

Once the Accommodations Coordinator receives an HPF they pull the provider’s license number. The providers address is checked for accuracy and the provider’s credentials and/or board certification should match the type of accommodation being requested.

Remember, regulations state that the purpose of the ADA amendments “is to make it easier for people with disabilities to obtain protection under the ADA.”ix.

Any additional questions can be sent to the Accommodations Coordinator via email at

Students that receive academic or non-academic adjustments through Student Accessibility Services must remain in contact with the Accommodations Coordinator. Each student is expected to complete the following tasks after receiving their Approved Accommodations form:

Student Responsibility #1

Meet with the Accommodations Coordinator at the end of each semester to discuss their progress and any needed adjustments to their accommodations.

Student Responsibility #2

A student must notify the Accommodations Coordinator immediately if the student feels their accommodations are not being met. Notification can be submitted in person or in writing.

Student Responsibility #3

If a student chooses not to use the accommodation(s), the student is required to contact the Accommodations Coordinator in writing stating he/she will not be utilizing the accommodation(s). Contact information for the Coordinator is listed below:

The Accommodations Coordinator is located in Marian Hall room 2C17, Monday-Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm.

Student Accessibility Services
Attn: Accommodations Coordinator
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
127 S. Davis Ave.
Columbus, OH 43222

Phone: 614.234.4393
Fax: 614.234.5979


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