General Instructions

We invite you to nominate a Mount Carmel alumni for one of the following awards to be presented at the Mount Carmel Alumni Association Annual Meeting and Homecoming in the fall: Distinguished Alumnus Award and Rising Star Award. The winners of the awards will be honored at this event and their name will also be engraved on a permanent plaque displayed in the Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library.

While nominations are accepted throughout the year, nominations must be received by June 1 to be considered for an award in the current year. Nominations received after that date would be considered the following year. All nominees and their nominators will be notified by July 15 of the outcome.


Annually the Mount Carmel College of Nursing and the Mount Carmel Alumni Association (MCAA) seek nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Award. The award recognizes Mount Carmel School of Nursing and Mount Carmel College of Nursing graduates who have attained the highest level of professional accomplishments and/or have advanced the profession through practice, research, education, or administration.

General Qualifications

Nominees must hold a diploma or degree from Mount Carmel School of Nursing or Mount Carmel College of Nursing. Nominees may not be current members of the MCAA or the alumni award selection committee. Due to the importance of this recognition, it is requested that the recipient be present at the Annual MCAA Annual Meeting and Homecoming program held in the fall to accept their award.

Criteria for Distinguished Alumni Award

The following criteria should be used as a guide for describing a nominee’s qualifications for the award. The contributions may include, but are not limited to, exceptional achievement and significant contribution in the following areas:

  • Professional Achievement - Nominee has demonstrated professional recognition, professional accomplishments, and/or significant contributions to the nursing profession; nominee has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the field of nursing. The nominee reflects honor to the College of Nursing in pursuing their professional activities.
  • Sphere of Influence - (local, state, national, or international) - Contributions made by the nominee have had a broad influence beyond the scope of that person’s place of employment.
  • Community Service - (local, state, national, or international) - The nominee has made significant humanitarian contributions to the community, greatly impacted the community through their actions, and/or is involved in a variety of service initiatives.

Selection is also based on alumni who have shown continued interest in and support for the college, and who exemplify the Core Values of Mount Carmel College of Nursing: academic excellence, respect, compassion, social responsibility, and diversity.

In summary, the nominee possesses such integrity and stature that the faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the College of Nursing can take pride in, and are inspired by their recognition.

Submit a Nomination

You may submit your nomination online anytime here. We encourage ongoing submissions throughout the year. However, the nomination must be received by June 1 to be considered for an award in that calendar year.

  • Before nominating someone, be sure to check if he/she already received the award. A complete list can be found here.
  • Obtain permission from the candidate and inform that person that an up-to-date resume or curriculum vitae will be required for submission to the alumni award committee for award consideration.
  • Incomplete nominations will not be considered.
  • The alumni award committee is not required to select an honoree each year if applicants do not display criteria deemed sufficient to be considered for the award.
  • Nominations not selected will remain on file for award consideration each year for a period up to two years.
  • Candidates for this award may be living or recognized posthumously.

Nomination packets must include

  • Nomination Form (completed online)
  • CV/Resume
  • One letter of support (in addition to the nominator) with at least one of the letters from a registered nurse.

In order to provide a more comprehensive and representative nomination packet, additional supporting documents are encouraged in the following categories: Newspaper, journal, magazine, or an online publication that provide a sample of media coverage and/or supports the fulfillment of the criteria and synopsizes how the nominee demonstrates the College’s Core Values.

PLEASE NOTE: All supporting documents may not exceed 10 pages overall.

Submit your nomination packet online or by email to:

If submitting by mail: Mount Carmel College of Nursing
Attention: Alumni Relations Office
127 South Davis Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43222

The alumni award committee will review all nominations received. Nominations will be rated in categories based on the criteria. All nominees and their nominators will be notified by July 15 of the outcome.

For further information call the MCCN Alumni Relations office 614.234.5681.

Previous Award Winners

  • Theresa Cragen Draher ’78, ’00, ‘14


This is a new annual award presented by Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN) and the Mount Carmel Alumni Association. The award recognizes a member of the MCCN alumni who has graduated from one of our undergraduate programs within the last 10 years who and has attained a high level of professional accomplishments and/or has advanced the profession through practice, research, education, or administration. (Those alumni who have graduated from our RN-BSN program within the last 10 years and have had their nursing license 10 years or less are eligible.)

General Qualifications

Nominees must hold a degree from Mount Carmel College of Nursing and have graduated within the last 10 years. Nominees may not be current members of the MCAA or the alumni award selection committee. Due to the importance of this recognition, it is requested that the recipient be present at the MCAA Annual Meeting and Homecoming program held in the fall to accept their award.

Criteria for Rising Star Alumni Award

This award is presented to a member of the Mount Carmel College of Nursing alumni who has graduated with an undergraduate degree within the last 10 years.

The following criteria should be used as a guide for describing a nominee’s qualifications for the award. The contributions may include, but are not limited to, exceptional achievement and significant contribution in the following areas:

  • Professional Achievement - Nominee has demonstrated professional recognition, professional accomplishments, and/or significant contributions to the nursing profession; nominee has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the field of nursing. The nominee reflects honor to the College of Nursing in pursuing their professional activities.
  • Sphere of Influence - (local, state, national, or international) - Contributions made by the nominee have had a broad influence beyond the scope of that person’s place of employment.
  • Community Service - (local, state, national, or international) - The nominee has made significant humanitarian contributions to the community, greatly impacted the community through their actions, and/or is involved in a variety of service initiatives.

Selection is also based on alumni who have shown continued interest in and support for the college, and who exemplify the Core Values of Mount Carmel College of Nursing: academic excellence, respect, compassion, social responsibility and diversity.

In summary, the nominee possesses such integrity and promise of stature that the faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the College of Nursing can take pride in, and are inspired by their recognition.

Submit a Nomination

You may submit your nomination online anytime here. We encourage ongoing submission throughout the year. However, the nomination must be received by June 1 to be considered for an award in that calendar year.

  • Obtain permission from the candidate and inform that person that an up-to-date resume or curriculum vitae will be required for submission to the alumni award committee for award consideration.
  • Incomplete nominations will not be considered.
  • The alumni award committee is not required to select an honoree each year if applicants do not display criteria deemed sufficient to be considered for the award.
  • Nominations not selected will remain on file for award consideration each year for a period up to two years.
  • Candidates for this award may be living or recognized posthumously.
Nomination packets must include:
  • Nomination Form (completed online or submitted by mail/email)
  • CV/Resume
  • One letter of support from a registered nurse.

In order to provide a more comprehensive and representative nomination packet, additional supporting documents are encouraged in the following categories: newspaper, journal, magazine, or an online publication that provides a sample of media coverage and/or supports the fulfillment of the criteria and synopsizes how the nominee demonstrates the College’s Core Values.

PLEASE NOTE: All supporting documents may not exceed 10 pages overall.

Submit your nomination packet online or by email to:

If submitting by mail: Mount Carmel College of Nursing
Attention: Alumni Relations Office
127 South Davis Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43222

The alumni award committee will review all nominations received. Nominations will be rated in categories based on the criteria. All nominees and their nominators will be notified by July 15 of the outcome.

For further information call the MCCN Alumni Relations office 614.234.5681.

Why Choose Us


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)


average class size