1. Application
  2. Application Fee ($30)
  3. Essay (Select a topic from below. Content, grammar and punctuation will be evaluated.)
    • Share your plans or future goals after you graduate from MCCN.
    • Elaborate on characteristics you see in an excellent health care professional.
    • What is the greatest risk you have taken and what did you learn as a result of it?
  4. Essay 2 (only if applicable)†
  5. Activities/Interest Resume
  6. High School Transcript
  7. College Transcript(s)
  8. TOEFL Scores*
  9. WES Evaluation**
  10. GED***
  11. Copy of Visa or Permanent Resident Card (if applicable)

† Some students experience personal or professional hardships or other extenuating circumstances which negatively impact academic performance. If you choose to do so, you may submit a 150 word or less essay that addresses any downtrends or drops in your academic history.

* Advanced Placement applicants whose native language is not English are required to take and submit scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The required score is 79 for internet-based, 213 on computer-based and 550 on paper-based. TOEFL scores are valid two (2) years from the test date. To learn more about the TOEFL, please visit www.ets.org/toefl.

**Transfer or Advanced Placement applicants who have taken course work or earned a degree abroad are required to have foreign credit evaluated by one of the following Credential Evaluation Services.

*** Prospective students who have not completed high school are required to submit documentation that they have earned their GED. Please note that MCCN requires that students with a GED must successfully complete the required college preparatory course work with a grade of “C” or better. These courses can be taken at the college level.

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of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


years of educating nurses