Institutional Merit Scholarships

Mount Carmel College of Nursing offers financial assistance to top students through merit-based scholarships. Unlike loans, these Achievement Awards do not need to be repaid. These scholarships are awarded to incoming freshman through the Admissions office and are based on high school GPA and ACT/SAT scores. The Eleanor Wilson Academic is available to returning students that are not already receiving another merit scholarship.

These scholarships are renewable if appropriate criteria are met each year. See below for additional information.

Name Amount Selection Criteria How to Apply
Presidential Scholarship Scholarships awarded to incoming first-year freshman students; $3,000 Fr. & So. year; $4,000 Jr. & Sr. year Recipient(s) must have minimum of 25 ACT score OR 3.5 cumulative H.S. GPA (on 4.0 scale) No application necessary; must maintain 3.4 GPA and full-time status each semester to be renewable
Eleanor Wilson Recruitment Scholarship Scholarships awarded to incoming first-year freshman; $1,200 Recipients must have a minimum 22 ACT score OR 3.2 cumulative high school GPA (on 4.0 scale) No application necessary; not renewable, available to incoming freshman only
Eleanor Wilson Academic Scholarship $1,000 Sophomore; $1,250 Junior; $1,500 Senior Transfer students with a cumulative of 3.7 will receive this scholarship Awarded to students who complete a full year of full-time study (each semester) and maintain a minimum of 3.7 cumulative GPA at end of each year No application necessary; full-time status each semester is required

Why Choose Us


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


student-to-faculty ratio