Theresa Skybo, PhD, RN, CPNP

Theresa Skybo, PhD, RN, CPNP

Associate Professor
Office: MH 406

Institution Degree Graduation Date
The Ohio State University PhD 2003
The Ohio State University MS 1998
Franklin University BSN 1989
Mount Carmel School of Nursing Diploma 1986
  • NURS 408, NURS 492, HLTH 202
Institution Position Start Date End Date
Mount Carmel College of Nursing Associate Professor 2007 Present
The Ohio State University Assistant Professor 2003 2007
The Ohio State University Graduate Teaching Associate 2000 2003
Position Year
Member, Sigma Theta Tau 1997-Present
Member, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners 1998-Present
Reviewer for the Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 2015-Present
HRSA Grant reviewer 2016

2016-2018; Principal Investigator. “Will yoga and breath work decrease stress and improve coping in nursing students?” Co-Investigators: Deborah Huff, APRN-BC & Kerry Fankhauser MSN, RN, The Mt. Carmel Foundation, $9000.

“Yoga and breath work: Decreases stress and improves coping in undergraduate nursing students.” Presented by Kerry Fankhauser, MS,RN, UZIT, Deb Huff MSN, APRN-BC & Theresa Skybo PhD, RN, CPNP at the Interprofessional Research and Evidence-Based Practice Day at Mount Carmel West, May 10, 2017.

"Implementing A Standardized Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Curriculum for Undergraduate Students" presented by Theresa Skybo PhD at the 2022 OLN Education Summit, March 25, 2022.

"Use of High-Fidelity Simulations as a Clinical Experience" presented by Theresa Skybo PhD at the 2022 OLN Education Summit, March 25, 2022.

Why Choose Us


of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


years of educating nurses