Associate Professor

Institution Degree Graduation Date
The Ohio State University Adult Nurse Practitioner Certificate 1996
The Ohio State University PhD 1995
The Ohio State University MS 1988
The Ohio State University BS 1987
  • NURS 522: Advanced Physical Assmt for NP
  • NURS 570: M01 Primary Care I - Primary Care I
  • NURS 571: H01 Primary Care II - Primary Care II
  • NURS 572: H01 Primary Care III - Primary Care III
  • NURS 504: W01 Leadership-Adv Nursing Roles
Institution Position Start Date End Date
Mount Carmel College of Nursing Associate Professor 2009 Present
The Ohio State University Nursing Injury Prevention Program Manager-Trauma, Nurse Practitioner, PM&R 2008 Present
The Ohio State University Senior Research Associate/Nurse Practitioner 1999 2008
Position Year
Member of Franklin County SafeKids, SafeCommunities, Franklin County Fatality Review Board, CAATS (Columbus Area Active Transportation Safety Committee), 4H CarTeens, Mid-West Injury Prevention Alliance (MIPA), OIPP (Ohio Injury Prevention Partnership), NSC (National Safety Council) Ohio Teen Driving subcommittee, and Chair of the OIPP Child Injury Action Group teen driving sub-committee. 2008-Present
Active with OAAPN, MODNA, Sigma Theta Tau, ARN, COARN, AAA teen driving and Varsity O. Coach high school, swimming, involved with Scouts (Venture Crew, Girl Scouts, and Scouts BSA) , St Margaret’s Church, 4H, and Special Olympics

November 10, 2016. 2016 Statewide Summit: Ohio Adolescent Health Partnership-Building the Strengths and Assets of Adolescents and Young Adults Statewide Summit. Planning Committee member and poster presentation. “Concussions”. OSU Ohio Union.

November 12, 2016. OHteens4Health Youth Health Summit. “Steering Yourself in the Right Direction”. OSU 4H Center, Columbus, OH

September, 11, 2018. The Ohio State University Medical Center Advanced Practice Provider Conference. “OSUWMC Injury Prevention Program”. Poster and Professor Rounds presentations. Ohio Union. Columbus, OH.

September, 25, 2018. The Ohio State University Medical Center Nursing Excellence Fair. “OSUWMC Injury Prevention Program”. Poster and Podium presentations. Biomedical Research Tower. Columbus, OH.

October 3, 2018. The Ohio State University East Nursing Excellence Fair. “OSUWMC Injury Prevention Program”. Poster presentation. Wallace Auditorium. . Columbus, OH.

October 5, 2018. Smith, A., Bowman Burpee, S., & Hilty, D. “A Matter of Balance: Balancing concerns about falling. Poster presentation at the Scholars Showcase: Innovations in Leadership and Learning (Franklin University), Columbus, Ohio. (First Place Poster-HealthCare division)

October 5, 2018. Hilty, D., Smith, A., Fravel, A., Allton, M. & Elford, A. “Preliminary investigation of continuous self-improvement, anger, & self-efficacy”. Poster presentation at the Scholars Showcase: Innovations in Leadership and Learning (Franklin University), Columbus, Ohio.

I also present approximately 150+ ThinkFirst programs annually to teens in area high schools during health classes about the dangers of speed, seatbelts, distracted driving, and underage substance use. Annual events also include the COSI EMS Safety Days in May and the Dublin Teen Driving ‘Road”eo in September. I also support several “Walk to School” days.

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