State of the Art Facilities

The Center for Innovative Learning features computer-driven, high-fidelity human patient simulators, which are life-like adult and pediatric mannequins that breathe, blink and bleed. Precise internal mechanics allow the patient simulators to respond physiologically to student interventions, enabling our students to see, practice and respond to real-life patient simulations without risk to actual patients. Students – individually or in care teams – train in real-time simulations under faculty supervision.

The Center for Innovative Learning is a collaborative system wide training facility for MCCN, Mount Carmel Medical Education and Mount Carmel Medical Staff, which enables members of the health care delivery team to work and train together as they develop new skills and processes, identify potential patient problems and implement patient-focused team treatment to enhance quality care and improve patient outcomes.

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Why Choose Us


student-to-faculty ratio


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023