I hope everyone is staying warm and healthy this winter. We enjoyed welcoming our newest alumni, who make up the 10th cohort of our Second Degree Accelerated Program (see article), their commencement ceremony in February. Many have already accepted positions to begin their new career path. I enjoyed meeting many of them during their ATI NCLEX review, and it was fun to hear the various areas of nursing they have chosen to pursue.
Another bright spot we enjoyed was learning that our founders, the Sisters of the Holy Cross, were recently awarded the Civil War Campaign Medal in recognition of their order’s service during the American Civil War from 1861—1865. At that time, although the Sisters had no training as nurses, they answered the call to tend sick and wounded soldiers aboard the USS Red Rover along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and at a hospital in Illinois. We know you join us in congratulating the Sisters!
Watch for the next issue of our alumni magazine, the Lamp, which includes an article about the Sisters’ 130th anniversary of arriving in Columbus to administer the Hawkes Hospital of Mount Carmel.
Christine A. Wynd, PhD, RN
President, Mount Carmel College of Nursing