Members of the 50-year Honor Class, the Class of 1967, raise their voices in song.

This year for the first time an Alumni Reception was held on Friday evening, Oct. 20, to kick off festivities for the 2017 Mount Carmel Alumni Association Annual Meeting and Homecoming. The event was attended by 70, including faculty and staff, and alumni with graduation years ranging from 1949 to 2017. Many alumni who were unable to attend on Saturday took advantage of this added event, while others were excited about starting the weekend early.

A highlight of the 2017 Mount Carmel Alumni Association Annual Meeting and Homecoming was meeting old friends and making new ones. Left to right are members of the Class of 1975: Michele Uhl, BSN, RN, CHPN, LMT, ADS; Martha McSchooler Rickman, RN; and Karen Klarman Durano, MS, RN, NE-BC.

Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP, interim president, Mount Carmel College of Nursing (left) and Jeri Boylan Milstead ’57, PhD, RN, enjoyed the reception.

On Saturday, Leanna Brown George, MEd, BSN, RN, class representative for the Class of 1967, offered prayer before the delicious Homecoming meal, which was followed by a welcome and update given by Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP, interim president, MCCN. Debbie Boggs, ’75, RN, the College director of Alumni Relations, recognized each Honor Class.

Members of two honor classes provided entertainment. Suzy Hughes Regner, RN, class president, Class of 1967 – celebrating 50 years since graduation – shared memories of the Class and was then joined in singing the “Class Song” to the tune of Winchester Cathedral, accompanied on piano by Pat Brown Gates, ’63.

That was followed by a video clip created by some members of the Class of 1957 about their favorite Mount Carmel memories. The video was greeted with much laughter as it triggered memories from those present about their own days at “the Mount.”

We are grateful to the MCCN Student Ambassadors who helped with greeting, giving tours and helping out in so many ways that made the day special for our alumni. The students and alumni enjoyed talking and visiting with each other.

Winners of the raffles were both 1977 graduates: Sharon Worley Moeller, MEd, BSN, RN, (left) won the beautiful quilt designed, hand-stitched and donated by Dorothy Gorenflo Cluff ’42, and Jill Trego Rill, RN, won the cash raffle.

Photo booth fun – Class of 1957

Mugging for the camera – Class of 1962

Dorothy Gorenflo Cluff ’42, again designed, hand-stitched and donated a beautiful quilt to raise funds for student scholarships.

New: Sixtieth Anniversary Class Scholarship

Another highlight was announcement of the first-ever “Sixtieth Anniversary Scholarship,” which was created by the Class of 1957. Together they raised enough funds to award two scholarships of $1,250 each, which were given at the annual Scholarship Dinner. The Class of 1957 is challenging subsequent Sixtieth Anniversary classes to continue the new tradition!

Save the Date for Homecoming 2018!

On Saturday, Oct. 27, old friends will gather to reminisce about the incredible fun that was had while working incredibly hard on classes and clinicals during student days at “The Mount.” Honor classes recognized this year are those with a graduation year ending in an eight or a three.

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