Honor Class: Class of 1964

Mount Carmel Alumni Association Annual Alumni Homecoming and Luncheon

On October 24, 2015, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. we’ll look for your face among the many Mount Carmel alumni who will gather to rekindle friendships, remember good times and to celebrate special milestones of the honor classes (those whose graduation years end in 0 or 5). This year, special recognition will be given to the Class of 1965, celebrating 50 years!

President Christine Wynd, PhD, RN will be joining us and is eager to meet you and hear your Mount Carmel memories. She will share a quick review on the College’s numerous and exciting achievements over the past year and let us know what’s new as our tradition of excellence in nursing education continues.

Please take a moment to nominate one of your fellow alumni for the Distinguished Alumnus Award by August 1, so that he or she can be recognized during Homecoming. Also, watch for your Homecoming invitation in the mail in early August. Questions: Contact the Alumni Relations office by emailing alumnioffice@mccn.edu or calling 614-234-5681.

Photo: Last year’s Honor Class: Class of 1964

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