Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Mount Carmel College of Nursing alumni newsletter—to connect our graduates and provide you with information and news about MCCN.

You've heard the timeless adage, "It takes a village." I consider the MCCN community and Mount Carmel alumni that village where each of us—faculty, staff, administration, students and alumni—do our part to give the College its strength. This ALUMnews highlights just a few of our strengths, including new Alumni Association co-presidents, Michele Uhl Born and Susie Loik Parsons. I am enthused by their leadership and the Alumni Board’s strategic plan.

My dream is a very active Mount Carmel alumni, continuously involved, supporting our students and part of various College activities.

This is a very exciting time for the nursing profession. With changes in health care and healthcare reform, the need to educate more nurses to meet the demand for healthcare services has never been greater. MCCN is well-positioned to meet the need with our outstanding, rapidly growing academic programs. Nearly 1,100 students are enrolled in the Undergraduate Pre-licensure Program, Second Degree Accelerated Program, Online RN-BSN Program, and five Graduate tracks: Family Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Gerontology, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nursing Administration and Nursing Education. Our satellite program in Lancaster is thriving.

MCCN offers a state-of-the-art Clinical Skills and Simulation Center, in collaboration with the Mount Carmel Health System Medical Residency Program, and a nursing center in collaboration with the Lower Lights Christian Health Center. This nursing center provides care to our Franklinton neighbors, as well as our students and other clients, meeting the holistic needs of those seeking our health services.

Our students, faculty and staff perform community service based on our core values of academic excellence, respect, compassion, and social responsibility. Students and faculty recently returned from a medical mission to Nicaragua and another group volunteered there in May. Missions to other locations are planned.

Future issues of ALUMnews will feature alumni and MCCN news. Until then, I wish you a healthy and peaceful summer season.

God bless,

Ann E. Schiele, PhD, RN, President/Dean

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