Welcome to the first “ALUMnews” email newsletter produced by Mount Carmel College of Nursing for alumni.

Most of us intend to stay in touch after graduation. While we are sincere, life moves forward and often gets in the way of truly remaining connected with classmates.

There's no shame in that. As there's no doubt we hunger for those connections and feel re-energized by relating once again with those who shared a journey with us. And it is comforting to know that our friends and cohorts from the past are moving along and making a difference 10, 20, 40 years later.

ALUMnews will help you “Stay in Touch” - with the institution where you earned your degree or diploma, and with those who shared your dream of a career in the nursing profession. ALUMnews offers what's going on at 127 S. Davis Avenue and avenues for you to connect with and keep up with fellow alumni.

We want to hear from you: your activities, your accomplishments. We know you accomplish great things, whether that's helping the first baby of the new year in your town take its first breath or testifying before Congress to get a new seniors healthcare bill passed. Email (and now Facebook, Twitter and texting!) make it easier than ever to communicate quickly. So when you have minute, let us know what you're up to.

We will be brief, too; we know you’re busy. Mount Carmel already produces The Lamp magazine twice a year, providing information and stories that deserve your time and attention. The Lamp will not be going anywhere, but we wanted to give you another vehicle - in a more succinct style - to help you "Stay in Touch."

We look forward to continuing this journey together again!


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years of educating nurses


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


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