Several all-time highs were attained during Mount Carmel College of Nursing’s Commencement ceremony May 11. The 2013 Commencement included a record-setting 147 pre-licensure BSN candidates and 36 MS candidates, which also was the highest ever.

“May 2013 marks the second year in a row that the College had the largest number of students ever walking at Commencement,” said Karen Greene, BS, Director, Records and Registration.

Carrying the symbolic mace was this year’s Faculty Marshal, alumna from the class of 1978, Kathy (Steger) Walters, MS, RNC, NNP-BC, Assistant Professor/Student Health Nurse and senor class advisor.

Brian Tierney, executive vice president and chief financial officer for American Electric Power and MCCN Board of Trustees member, delivered the Commencement address.

Megan Kristina W. Howard, Matthew George Patrlja, and Nicole Ternasky were commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the United States Army at Commencement.

The Clinical Excellence Award was presented to Lauren Dortmund, Joshua Leasure and Rita Morrison. The Lamp Award was presented to Brandee Homer and Symphony Voelkel. The Humanitarian Award was presented to Rachel Greenblatt, Tiffany Wenter and Sara Windland. The Inspiration Award was presented to Jennifer Hatfield and Benjamin Moore.

The weekend began with the annual Pinning Ceremony which was attended by family and friends of this year’s graduates.

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