Homecoming 2017!

On Saturday, October 21, the 2017 Mount Carmel Alumni Association Annual Meeting and Homecoming will be held at the College from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Class of 1967 is our 50th anniversary class; honor classes are those whose graduation years end with a 2 or a 7.

Alumni help is needed:

  • Locate missing classmates
  • Serve on the Homecoming committee
  • Volunteer on the day of the event

If you’d like to help in any – or all – of these ways, please call Debbie Boggs (’75), RN, director, Alumni Relations, at 614.234.5681 or by email at dboggs@mccn.edu.

Buckeye Tailgate

Guess where it will be held? The Ohio State University campus, of course – by the Shoe – or as close as we can get! Game date is yet to be determined, but guaranteed to be fun! We will know date and time in late July—be sure to check our website and the alumni association Facebook page then for further information!

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