Join in us in “Celebrating Our Journey” on Friday, October 26, and Saturday, October 27!

October 27: New Venue and Time for MCAA Homecoming!

Our theme this year is “Celebrating our Journey” and our gathering promises to be a wonderful time of reconnecting, networking and celebrating with other alumni. Please join us at the Hilton Columbus Downtown, (401 North High Street) on Saturday, October 27, for an evening of great food and fun as we celebrate 115 years of nursing education excellence! The evening begins with a social hour from 5 to 6 p.m., followed by dinner from 6 to 9 p.m. The evening will include a silent auction with many great items, a raffle of a beautiful hand-stitched, queen-size quilt made and donated by Dorothy Gorenflo Cluff, Class of 1942, and our 50/50 raffle. Guests are welcome. Invitations will be mailed soon with more details, or please visit the Alumni Events page for more information!

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