Regina Sallee Williams (’52), PhD, MSN, RN, FAAN (right) was greeted by Shirley Cooley, PhD, RN, CNE, C-EFM, associate professor, at the Scholarship Dinner. Dr. Williams, who was Distinguished Alumna in 1996 and retired as head of the Department of Nursing, Eastern Michigan University in 2001, was in the first class to graduate African-American students. In 2002 Dr. Williams established the Regina Sallee Williams Scholarship for Minority Students, a highly sought honor for MCCN students.
The Gift of Education is one of the greatest gifts one can receive because it’s the one gift that lasts a lifetime. In September, 112 MCCN students received 52 scholarships that will help them answer their life’s calling to become professional registered nurses. The amazing and generous philanthropic support of our donors was in evidence through the connection, reflection and deep gratitude expressed by our students.
Scholarship Dinner 2017 Scheduled
Please mark your calendar – the Scholarship Dinner will be held on September 11, 2017. The date reported in Fall 2106 issue of the Lamp is incorrect – the dinner will be held in September. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience.

Scholarship recipients gathered before the Annual Scholarship Dinner program.