High Tea

2014 Annual Alumni Homecoming – October 11. If you haven't received your invitation by Sept. 6 contact Michele Born at mborn@mccn.edu or 614-234-5681.

Board Meetings, Mount Carmel Alumni Association Board, are held at 5 p.m. in the Wilson Room at MCCN on:

  • October 7
  • November 4
  • December 2

Alumni Gatherings: Masters program graduates are invited to gather on Wednesday, November 5, 2014, from 6 to 9 p.m. to catch up, network and have fun. Location: to be announced via email. To attend, please send your current contact information, including email address, to Michele Born at mborn@mccn.edu.

Finals Breakfast for Students will be held on December 15 and 16 between 8 and 11 a.m. in two locations: The Rec Room at the main campus and at the MCCN Fairfield Medical Center in Lancaster. If you’d like to volunteer to help at either location and help make this a calm and nutritious benefit for our students, please contact the Alumni Office at (614) 234.5681.

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