Kathy Espy

Today, we mourn the passing of Kathlynne (Kathy) Espy, a pioneering advocate for diversity and inclusion, a longtime servant-leader at MCCN and MCHS, and a community treasure.

Kathy’s association with MCCN began more than 30 years ago when she served as a member of the then-new Board of Trustees for the College. She was the first Black person to serve in that capacity.

Her advocacy for supporting minority students in their journey to become professional nurses led to a leadership position at MCCN as director of Diversity and Inclusion, a position she held until 2016. She then moved from the College to MCHS to work at the system level to foster community engagement and relationship building.

While on staff at MCCN, Kathy developed our notable Learning Trails program that not only supports and encourages students but also has contributed to the College’s growth and success. She led our diversity effort at the College for many years, helping increase minority enrollment to 20 percent.

Kathy retired in 2020 from her position as director of Community Engagement for Mount Carmel Health System, Even after her retirement, Kathy continued to serve on the Board of Directors for the Mount Carmel Foundation.

Our College community and MCHS has and will continue to benefit from Kathy’s work and legacy.

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