WASHINGTON, DC, October 21, 2019 – The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is moving forward with plans to launch a new philanthropic enterprise in 2020, the Foundation for Academic Nursing. Though the association has been a reliable source for grant-funding to schools of nursing over the years, AACN is formalizing this work and leveraging its influence to raise funds to benefit its members and advance the organization's mission. The plans for the new foundation were announced earlier today by AACN Board Chair Dr. Ann Cary at the association's annual Academic Nursing Leadership Conference in Washington, DC.

"AACN's Foundation for Academic Nursing will serve as a focal point for AACN's future fundraising efforts while elevating the importance of academic nursing and our member schools in the philanthropic community," said Dr. Cary. "As we celebrate AACN's 50th anniversary this year, creating the foundation provides a wonderful opportunity to build on our past, focus on the future, and more fully achieve AACN's vision and mission."

At its meeting in July 2019, the AACN Board of Directors approved a proposal to establish a foundation as an internal division of AACN. The association has a long history of providing grants to schools, including current work with the Jonas Philanthropies, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Cooperative Agreement to Strengthen the Public Health Workforce, and the National Institute of Health's All of Us Research program. AACN is currently recruiting for a new Director of Development to lead this new initiative and coordinate its fundraising and grant-making strategy.

For more information on the Foundation for Academic Nursing, including ways to contribute financial support, see www.aacnnursing.org/foundation.

New Research Grants Program Announced

AACN also announced today that a new research grant program for nurse faculty will be launched in 2020 under the umbrella of the Foundation for Academic Nursing. Funding for this program was raised through proceeds collected from sponsorships in AACN's 50th Anniversary guide, which was prepared for its fall conference. More than 150 schools of nursing and colleague organizations contributed to this guide, which raised more than $115,000.

"Supporting innovation in nursing science and healthcare delivery is essential to the delivery of high quality, evidence-based care," added Dr. Deborah Trautman, AACN President and Chief Executive Officer. "AACN is pleased to shepherd this important new initiative that will serve as a catalyst for innovation in nursing education and practice. We invite stakeholders in the healthcare community to join us in this work by contributing to the groundbreaking effort."

More details regarding the new grants program will be announced in 2020. See the new AACN foundation website for a list of sponsoring organizations who have contributed to this program.


About the American Association of Colleges of Nursing

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is the national voice for academic nursing representing 825 schools of nursing nationwide. AACN establishes quality standards for nursing education, influences the nursing profession to improve health care, and promotes public support of baccalaureate and graduate nursing education, research and practice. See www.aacnnursing.org.

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