Allison Thornbloom photo

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Student

What inspired you to become a nurse?

I experienced a lot of hardships as a teenager, including the passing of my father when I was 16. During that difficult time, though, I had the opportunity to watch his nurses diligently provide palliative care while he was coming to terms with the end of his life. It was inspirational to see just how much compassion, empathy, and patience the nurses had as they cared for my father. The thought of becoming a nurse myself gave me a sense of hope and pride knowing I'd be able to make my patients feel cared for just as my father's nurses cared for him.

What is the best thing about Mount Carmel College of Nursing?

The atmosphere and community. Even with Mount Carmel being a smaller school, there is no shortage of resources for academics, tutoring, socializing, or mental health support.

What are your goals for your nursing career?

I would love to work in pediatrics, preferably in the NICU or on a neurology unit. It's also a goal of mine to get my master's degree in nursing and become a nurse practitioner.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Setbacks are just obstacles that prove you're capable of resiliency and perseverance. You wouldn't be where you are without them. Use them as moments of reflection and growth.

What advice would you give to someone considering a career in nursing?

Find your passion and chase it. Nursing is a hard career that requires dedication, patience, and compassion, but it can become one of the most rewarding choices you make for yourself. Have confidence in yourself and your capabilities.

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